Chapter 98 - Set a Plan in Motion

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Corran walked back in the cargo hold and kicked Draco with a foot to wake him up. There was no reaction and he kicked again.
"Hey, wake up, Sleemo!"
The pirate grunted and opened his eyes slowly. His head was still hurting badly.
'Damn Jedi,' he thought as he sat up carefully realizing that not only his head was hurting.
"What has your brother done to me?" He asked; squinting because of the hard light Corran has switched on.
The young Jedi smirked and leaned casually against the doorframe as he looked up their captive from head to toe. His brother had done a good job on Draco. The man looked like a picture of misery now. Losing everything he held dear must been hard for him. But he didn't deserve any better.
"A Force technique to find the truth and my brother was quite successful. You've sold our mother to the enemy," saying this, the young Rendar glared at Draco. "You are a traitor and I was so short from killing you."
"It seems your Jedi rules kept you away from doing this," the pirate remarked and was about to laugh before he thought that this might be a bad idea because of the headache he had. It would make things only worse.
The man leaning against the doorframe smirked. Jedi rules... He had abandoned them like his mother had. The time on Crait when he was fighting for survival after he was left behind had changed him. Now he would do what must be done without asking if it is the Jedi way or not.
"No, it's simpler. You are of no use to us dead, Sleemo. You will be our key who opens the door."
Draco raised an eyebrow. "How so?" The man asked with a hint of curiosity.
Corran smirked and unfolded his arms, approaching his captive who tried to keep the distance between himself and the Jedi. "I don't need to be near to hurt you," the young man said.
He lifted his hand and Draco begun to panic, backing away as far as the restraints allowed him to move. Corran chuckled and lowered his hand.
"You will contact Canady and tell him that you have caught more Rebels. This way we'll learn about his whereabouts."
The pirate stared at the young warrior. "Are you kidding me? Why should I do this?"
Corran looked thoroughly at his fingernails before speaking. "Make a guess, Sleemo."
The young man and his behavior were going on Draco's nerves. He wasn't sure who of the young Rendar was worse. The one of them who was poking in his mind or this one who was now standing in front of him.
Instead of an answer he kept his mouth shut, being pretty sure that the Rendar offspring would answer his own question soon.
When there was no answer by the pirate Corran ceased watching his fingernails and looked daggers at the shackled man.
"You will do it, since it's your only chance of survival. Comply with what we're asking you to do and we'll let you go. If not...," he let his hand linger near his blaster.
The subtle movement didn't escape Draco's attention and he paled slightly because of the blatant threat, well knowing that it wasn't an empty one. The Rendar family meant business. He began to realize that he tried to mess with the wrong people. There was so much he had lost already because of his stupidity, his beloved Draco's Pride and her crew. He wasn't ready to lose his life as well. The man sighed and looked up to Corran.
"I will do what you want, Rendar."
Corran took his hand away from the blaster. "A wise decision," he said with an ironical undertone as he turned and headed for the cockpit.

When Corran entered the cockpit, his father was just plotting the course back to their base. Hearing footfalls he swiveled the pilot's seat to face his son.
"Since I didn't hear a shot I take it that our guest complied with our suggestion?"
Corran walked over to the copilot's seat and slumped in before answering his father's question.
"He will do what we want, father. We will know the location of the First Order Dreadnought soon."
His father nodded his head, swiveled his chair back, started the engine and headed for the jump point. It didn't take long and they were in hyperspace on their way back. They would need the support of the others to free the commander.

As they finally reached the base, Corran and Biggs walked over to the cargo hold to get Draco.
"We're there, Sleemo." Corran drew his blaster aiming it at Draco while his brother unshackled the pirate from the girder. The man was rubbing his wrists, but he couldn't enjoy freedom for long since Biggs shackled him again.
"Move," the young man said and his brother waved the blaster toward the exit.
The pirate stood up slowly and glared at the two Jedi before he left the cargo hold followed by them.
Their father had left the Outrider already and stood at the ramp talking with his eldest and his daughter. When Draco was walking down followed by Corran and Biggs, Dash Jr. approached them. It was visible how upset he was because of his friend's betrayal. He was clenching and unclenching his fist, but he managed to keep his temper in check and was only glaring at the man.
"You thought you come away with what you did, didn't you, Draco?"
The pirate kept his mouth shut and only glared back. Then he moved forward as Biggs was pushing the blaster muzzle in his back.
Tasherit was watching the whole scene, before she turned her attention back to her father.
"And he will actually cooperate, Papa?"
Dash Rendar nodded his head. "Corran was quite successful in convincing Draco. The man will do what we want, Sweetie," he answered her question and gave his beloved daughter a smile. "We'll have your mother back soon."

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