Chapter 84 - Preparations

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After several hours of contacting their pirate friends Dash Jr. leaned back in the seat in front of the Trader's Luck's comm unit. A wide smile was brightening his face.
"They will come, all of them. Even Draco agreed to join our cell," he said winking at his sister.
Tasherit chuckled. "It was hard work to convince him, Dash. I nearly thought you would fail. Draco was always a tough nut to crack. He is a fierce warrior and will be a valuable asset."
Dash Jr. nodded. "Therefore he was the first one I contacted. Convincing him meant that others will follow. It was much easier to recruit more of our friends."
"Good job on this," Jaden said coming over from the hyperdrive motivator he was working at.
His future brother in law looked at him. "Yes, it was easier than expected."
The young Katarn smirked. "You used any Jedi mind trick?"
"There is no way that it works on the pirates. The mind trick always works on the weak minded. Especially Draco is far from being weak minded," Dash Jr. answered him.
Jaden nodded thoughtfully. "There is so much I have to learn about the Force and how to use it. I'm glad that my father finally agreed to teach me. I will be like you soon." He smiled at his fiancée.
Tash smiled back and pointed at the free place at her side. Jaden shook his head, showed his greasy hands and pointed at a large oil stain on his butt.
"I must change first and I'm eager to take a shower, love."
Tasherit stood up. "Do you mind if I join you, Jaden?"
Her brother rolled his eyes hearing this. "I think I should leave you love birds alone."
Jaden grinned widely at Tash's eldest brother. "Maybe it's really better."
Then he headed for the shower followed by Tasherit.
Dash Jr. deactivated the Trader's Luck's comm unit and left to go back to Rimmer's Rest.

Meanwhile Nomi went to Shug's Space Barn to pay for the retrofitted freighters. Shug looked up from the engine he was working at and smiled at his friend. "You come to look for your treasures?"
The Jedi Master smiled. "Not only to look but to pay for the extras you built in, Shug. 40,000 credits it was, am I right?"
"Exactly," the space ship mechanic's answer came. "I think you and Dash will be satisfied with our work. Everything is state of the art, Nomi. Come, I show you."
He went to the landing pad followed by the seasoned pilot. Shug lowered the ramp and opened the hatch of the Aquarius after deactivating the intruder defense with the password Nomi gave him when placing her order for the modifications. Then he walked up the boarding ramp followed by the Jedi Master and together they entered the ship. Nomi headed to the cockpit and settled in the pilot's seat while Shug settled down in the copilot's seat.
"Why isn't Dash here?" He asked as he wiped a dust particle off the panel.
"He was still sleeping when I left. I didn't want to wake him. It seems he needs more sleep since he's growing old."
"Who's growing old?" Nomi turned her head hearing the voice she would recognize among thousands of voices. Dash leaned casually against the doorway with a wide grin; his arms folded in front of his chest.
"It's your graying stubbly beard which tells me that you're growing old, darling." She smiled at her husband who walked over to her and then kissed her forehead.
"Hello, Shug," he nodded at the talented space ship mechanic. "How's Nomi's baby doing, my friend?"
"Just fine, Dash I was about to tell her where and what," Shug Ninx answered and turned his attention at the panel in front of him again.
Dash Rendar settled down in one of the spare seats. "Go ahead, Shug. I'm curious what Nomi asked you to build in."
"It was a lot, Dash," the mechanic chuckled and began to show and explain the modifications pointing here and there at buttons and levers. After a standard hour he leaned back in the seat with a wide grin. "You see, we did a good job on the Aquarius."
"And what's about the Outrider?" Dash's question came promptly.
"The same modifications, Dash. Do you think your wife would pay less attention to your ship, my friend? She even saw to triple your firepower." He said this with a wide grin which Dash could only imagine hearing the undertone in Shug's voice. "There will be few ships which being a match to the Outrider. I can show you, if you want." He rose out of the seat and went to the doorway.
Dash rose also and followed Shug putting his hand on the mechanic's shoulder to stop him.
"It isn't necessary. I trust you and my wife to know what I need. So I think it's time to pay for your effort." He took out his datapad to make the credits transfer to Shug Ninx's account. The former mercenary typed in the amount with a smile. "Here we go," he said as he pushed the button.
Shug pulled out his own datapad when a signal indicated the transfer was done and gave a low whistle seeing the amount. "You've paid too much."
Dash Rendar gave him a wide grin. "An excellent job deserves a good payment, my friend. Shut up and take my credits before I change my mind." He chuckled and patted Shug's shoulder.
The mechanic smiled at his old friend. "Thank you, Dash it's always a pleasure to work for you and Nomi. But now I have to leave since work is calling." After saying this he hurried out of the freighter and back to his workshop.
Dash Rendar looked after him and then turned to his wife who was still sitting in the pilot's seat admiring Shug's work.
"Care to take a look at the Outrider's modifications, love?"
The Jedi Master smiled at her husband and rose out of the seat. "I knew it wouldn't take long until you would ask this." Then she followed her husband who was walking down the ramp already.
It was only a few steps to the landing pad where the YT-2400 was standing and waiting for her owner. Dash entered the code to deactivate the intruder defenses before he lowered the ramp and opened the hatch. When he walked up the ramp he touched gently the freighter's hull. "Hello, Baby I'm back," he said silently but not silently enough since his wife smiled hearing this. Nomi knew very well how attached her husband was to his ship. She followed him in the cockpit where he sat down in the pilot's seat patting on his lap. Nomi settled down in his lap and Dash summoned the armament list.
"Wow, Shug didn't overstate when telling about tripled firepower. Look at this, honey," he said pointing at the list.
"I know, Dash since I was the one who asked him to do this." She turned her head and gave Dash a kiss as her stomach gave a loud growl. The Jedi laughed. "It seems my stomach wants to remind me that it's time for breakfast."
Her husband laughed with her. "I'm starving as well, darling. Let's go back to Rimmer's Rest."

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