Chapter 104 - Alarm Signal

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Months were gone where the small Resistance cell grew and was a constant nuisance for the First Order. The hit and run tactics paid out. The commander and her pilots were proud about what they had accomplished so far. In their part of the galaxy no First Order convoy was able to pass unchallenged.

It was a day like almost every day and the hidden base was teeming with life. There was shouting and laughter while some of the Resistance fighters were unloading a captured First Order freighter.
The commander was standing behind one of her communication officers listening to the intercepted transmissions. It was a routine to get information about upcoming convoys. She listened intently to the chatter underlined with statics. Then she heard a voice, a voice she had heard decades ago in her mind. But this was impossible. The man whose voice she believed to hear was dead. He died onboard the second Death Star. The dead had spoken.
She was seeking hold at the table, feeling shaken. Was Palpatine all the time there? Pulling still the strings? Was all the bloodshed and suffering in vain? Then it was over and she noticed that all those standing nearby were staring at her. The older members, who were Galactic Civil War veterans, had the same expression of disbelieve like their commander showed.
Nomi straightened and regained her composure. Now they had even more reason to continue their fight. They defeated Palpatine back then and they would defeat him now. She was pretty sure about this. The commander looked at those who were still in shock and addressed them with a reassuring smile.
"We have heard a voice of the past...we will see to it that it doesn't become our future to hear this voice again and again. Resume your tasks."
She turned on her heels and left the command center.

After leaving the command center the commander headed for her quarters. She entered and her husband looked at her in bewilderment. He stood up from the couch and approached her.
"You look as if you have seen a ghost, love," he said, taking her in his arms.
Nomi leaned her head against his chest and took a deep breath.
"Not seen, but I heard one. Palpatine is back," her voice was merely a whisper.
Dash Rendar wasn't sure if he had heard right.
"Have you just said Palpatine?" He asked holding his wife at arm length to look in her eyes.
Nomi nodded her head, before responding.
"It's true; I heard his voice loud and clear. It was Palpatine."
The former mercenary let go of Nomi and paced the room.
"This can't be true. Maybe it's an imposter, but for what reason? What could someone gain in impersonating a man long gone?"
The commander sat down on the couch following her husband with her eyes.
"It was the Emperor, Dash I'm pretty sure about this."
Dash stopped in his pacing and turned to his wife.
"He is dead, Nomi. Luke told us that he witnessed how Vader threw Palpatine in the reactor shaft. Nobody is able to survive this."
The Jedi poured herself a glass of Savareen brandy and downed it in one go.
"It seems that he managed to cheat death. He is back. And I have no idea how. I fear that the First Order was only a ruse and we will face something much bigger than them soon."
Her husband frowned and resumed pacing.
"We must find out where he's hiding, Nomi," he said, already pondering over all options. "And this fast before his forces can reach their full strength."
Nomi Darklighter nodded her head thoughtfully.
"Most of the convoys we intercepted came or were bound for the Unknown Regions it seems. It might be that he is hiding there. If then this is a smart move. We haven't enough fighters to investigate there," she said with a sigh.
"So what do you want to do, commander?" Her husband asked with a scowl. "It can't be that we only sit here and wait that they come out of hiding. Then it will be too late."
"We will continue to capture their convoys and disturb this way their war efforts. It's all what we can do now."
Finally Dash stopped pacing and slumped on the couch at his wife's side.
"We can only hope that this will be enough," he said as he poured himself a drink which he downed in one go.

Tarik had heard the transmission as well and seen the commander's reaction to it. He also knew what this meant for all of them and their efforts.
When leaving the command center he saw Dash Jr., who was speaking with Draco. The former ambassador was approaching the two men. Dash Jr. looked at the non-human, feeling that he was worried.
"You look as if you've seen a ghost," he said with a lopsided grin.
Tarik shook his head. "Not seen, I've heard a ghost, Dash."
The young Rendar stared at him. "A ghost? Are you kidding me, Tarik?" But the look the old friend of his mother gave, told him that it wasn't a joke.
"Palpatine is back," Tarik said, casting a glance at Draco who was also listening.
Dash shook his head. "This can't be. The Emperor died decades ago."
"Believe me; I know his voice and your mother heard it too. Since Palpatine proclaimed the First Galactic Empire we heard his voice often. There isn't any doubt."
The Jedi looked at Draco. "Kark, those are really bad news. We must tell my siblings as well."
The former pirate nodded his head. "I wonder if the commander will tell the whole base or keep a lid on it."
"We will see, my friend. But if my mother wants to keep a lid on it I doubt that this works for long. The news will spread fast if she hasn't declared it a secret," the young Rendar responded and turned on his heels heading for the quarters he was sharing with his brothers.

Biggs, who was cleaning his blaster, looked up when his elder brother entered their quarters and then resumed his work without saying a word. Dash Jr. sat down on the only free chair and poured a drink which he downed in one go. Corran waited patiently for his brother to speak, since he was sure that there was something that bothered him.
"Tarik told Draco and me that a transmission was intercepted," Dash told them.
"A transmission isn't something unusual. We're intercepting everyday transmissions of all sorts," his youngest brother interrupted him.
"Not this time. This transmission was special, since it was a message by the Emperor," the young Jedi said while pouring another drink.
"The Emperor? Are you kidding me, Junior?" Corran asked, reaching for the bottle and a glass to pour a drink as well. Biggs finished his work and holstered his now clean blaster.
"He isn't kidding," Biggs said before he relapsed in silence again.
Dash Jr. stared at his siblings while running his fingers through his hair.
"Mama and Tarik have heard it; both know the Emperor's voice. So the only question is how will we react to the new threat?"
Corran took a sip of his drink before he responded: "This is up to Mama, she will make the right decision."

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