Chapter 91 - The First Catch

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After the incident with the Mynocks everything went smoothly now.

The hideout was finally finished and the Resistance members were eager to launch their first attack on First Order convoys.
It was at the early morning when Kyle Katarn headed for Nomi and Dash's quarters. He knocked on the door. "Commander!" He called out loud while slamming his fist against the door when he heard no reaction in the room. "Commander!"
Nomi woke with a start, rubbing her eyes. But then she was full alert. Jumping out of the bed she donned in haste a cloak before opening the door.
"What is it, Kyle?" She asked without bothering herself with any polite phrase.
"We intercepted a First Order transmission, Commander. There is a convoy to the Unknown Regions on the way; four freighters and some TIE escorts."
Dash was also out of bed and approached the two while closing his pants. "Finally," he said with a lopsided grin.
"Is there any intel about the cargo?" The Jedi Master asked taking a deep breath.
Her husband put his hands on her shoulder. "Does it really matter, darling? Every little bit we take from them will hurt. If there is something we can use it's an additional benefit," the former mercenary said with a grin. Finally there would be some action. He had missed this so much.
Nomi nodded her head. "You're right, Dash. We will attack this convoy. It will be our first catch. ETA?" She addressed Kyle Katarn who has waited patiently.
"In two or three standard hours," he answered promptly. "Enough time to prepare, I think."
"Good, assemble our pilots in the command center. I'll be there in a few."
"Yes, Ma'am," Kyle answered and gave his friend a sloppy salute, before he left.

After Katarn was gone, Nomi turned to her husband. "Now we will see if our efforts will pay out, love."
"They will, darling I've got a good feeling about this. But we should take a shower, dress and eat something first."
"You're right, Dash," his wife answered with a smile walking over to the refresher. It was really nice to have this little luxury.

When they have had breakfast both walked over to the command center where the pilots were gathered already, waiting for their commander patiently. The Jedi Master inclined her head to those who snapped in attention, since they had military background. Those who hadn't were standing there simply looking at Nomi expectantly. It worked for the small woman either way. They were here to fight and not to follow some protocol.
She cleared her throat before she spoke up. "We've intercepted a First Order transmission. There's a convoy on the way to the Unknown Regions."
A murmur went through the crowd, but Nomi commanded silence with a gesture of her hand.
"Since we've finally finished establishing our hideout, it's the very first opportunity to strike."
One of the younger pilots cheered earning a reprimanding look by an elderly experienced one who knew all too well what it would mean to attack a well protected convoy.
The Jedi sensed the conflicting emotions in her pilots. It was always the same; excitement, worry, eagerness, confidence all mixed together in the Force. She gave a faint smile, since it was the same back in the times of the Galactic Civil War.

Nomi activated a small holoprojector standing on the table and an image of the sector they were in showed up.
"According to the intercepted transmission the convoy will fall back in real space at these coordinates. As you can see, it's almost just around the corner."
The elderly pilot spoke up: "How can we be sure it isn't a trap, Commander?"
Nomi gave the man a stern look and propped her hands on the table before answering him. The others gathered in the room were listening intently when she spoke.
"I am sure that this isn't a trap. Nobody knows that we're here, so chances are limited for this to be a trap." She saw still doubt on some faces and frowned. "If you have doubts then you are free to leave." She paused a moment before she continued. "I remember the times of the Galactic Civil War vividly, where some of you weren't even born. We have had also our doubts when it came to attack the second Death Star, but we overcame them and flew in combat. If we give in to our doubts and fears we can go home and watch how the First Order's boots extinguish the last spark of resistance." The Jedi Master knew all too well that it was a risky game, but she saw no other way. She couldn't need pilots with doubts and fear in their hearts. It could cost their lives and that of others. She looked around and saw nobody who was about to leave. "Good, after this is sorted out we can continue."
It took only half an hour to tell her pilots the plan.

The pilots left the command center and headed to their fighters and heavily modified freighters. Nomi looked after them, when Dash stood behind her, lied his hands on her shoulders and kissed her graying hair.
"You have still the fire in you, love; the fire that causes people to follow you. I'm so proud of you, Nomi."
His wife leaned for a short moment against his broad muscled chest enjoying the warmth of his body when he pulled her in an embrace. But then she slipped out under his arms and turned to him.
"It's time to go, Dash our people are waiting."
Dash nodded his head, gave her a kiss and headed to the hangar where the Outrider was standing. Corran and Biggs were onboard already. Biggs greeted his father with a wide grin, while Corran was making the preflight check.
"Everything's in order, father," he said and changed in the copilot's seat.
His father slumped in the now empty pilot's seat and smiled at his youngest. "Thank you, my son." Then he activated the engines and punched the coordinates in. It would be only a micro jump to their destination.
When Nomi reached the hangar her eldest was waiting for her at the Aquarius. The young Jedi leaned casual against the frame of the hatch.
"Impressive speech, Mama," he said when his mother walked up the ramp. Nomi smiled at him and entered the freighter.
"Not as good as the general's speeches to be honest," she retorted and went to the cockpit. There she settled down in the pilot's seat and strapped in. "I bet you've made the preflight check already."
Dash Jr. chuckled as he lowered himself in the copilot's seat. "You know me so well. And I fed the coordinates in the nav computer."
His mother activated the engines and called the other pilots. All of them confirmed to be ready and then one by one launched.

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