Chapter 93 - Meeting with an Ally

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They arrived at base without any incident on the way back and were unloading the seized transports, when a young Bothan girl runs over to Nomi. She gave an awkward salute and was clearly excited.
"There is a call by Captain Dracon who wants to speak with you, Commander," she said looking expectantly at the Jedi Master.
"I'm coming, Roka," Nomi answered while handing the ammo over to Biggs. "Continue, Biggs it won't take long."
She followed Roka to the command center and settled down in front of the comm unit.
"Commander Darklighter here, you wanted to speak with me, Captain?"
It took a moment but then she heard the pirate's voice. "Yes, Commander I hope everything is alright over there."
Nomi leaned relaxed back in her seat before answering the question.
"We had a few difficulties but now everything is alright here. There was a First Order convoy we raided, our first catch."
There was the hint of pride in her voice when she told this, which caused Draco to smirk at his second in command. Rool grinned back while his captain continued to speak.
"Very well, Commander but now to the reason why I'm calling you. We've also raided a First Order convoy and I want you to be here when we divide the loot. So you can see that we aren't cheating. I'll send you the coordinates where you can meet us."
Roka ruffled her fur, but she said nothing, since she thought it wasn't her place to object.
"I trust you, Draco therefore I made the treaty," Nomi answered her ally. "But if you insist."
Draco looked over to his second in command who was watching him and made a sign that he must convince the Resistance commander.
"Actually I would feel better if you would see with your own eyes that everything is in order if it comes to us," the pirate leader finally said.
The commander sighed inwardly. To visit the pirates would cost her valuable time, time she actually could use better than doing what Draco asked her to do.
"I will come, Draco; send me the coordinates of the rendezvous point."

After receiving what she asked for the fraction of a minute later she cut the connection without to bother with formalities. The Jedi Master looked at the Bothan girl who has listened to the whole conversation.
"What do you think, Roka?" Nomi asked the girl, which was taken by surprise to be asked for her opinion. Roka ruffled her fur a habit she adopted at some point of her life, showing that she doesn't agree with something. Then she looked at the elderly woman who was still sitting in front of the now silent comm unit.
"May I speak freely, Commander?" She asked as she shuffled her feet, unsure if she should really voice her opinion. The Commander was much more experienced than her, why should she care for the opinion of a girl which was even much younger than her own children?
"Of course, that's the reason I asked you," Nomi looked friendly at the small Bothan with the dark brown fur.
Roka took a deep breath before she begun to speak. "I wouldn't trust Captain Dracon, Commander. By pirates came never anything good and...," her voice trailed off. She felt at a lost suddenly. There was no way to say the Commander to simply stay at base than to travel to who knows where.
"And?" Nomi looked at Roka expectantly, but there came nothing more. The Jedi Master was pretty sure that the girl has blushed under her fur. "I know you mean well, but I must travel in order to build more trust between the pirates and us."

It didn't take longand Nomi was on her way to the rendezvous point after she told her family whereshe wanted to go. Dash wasn't very content with the idea that his wife wantedto go alone, but at the end he yielded to her arguments.
Now she was sitting alone in the Aquarius'cockpit staring out of the freighter's viewport where the streaks of hyperspacewere passing by. She stifled a yawn, rose out of the seat and stretched. Totravel in space was boring and it was even more boring when being aloneonboard. The Jedi Master walked in the mid section and settled down in front ofthe Dejarik table. But without a game partner it didn't make sense to activatethe device.
She must have been fallen asleep then she woke when she heard the signalindicating that she had reached her destination. Nomi headed for the cockpit,activated the shields and pulled the lever. The streaks of hyperspace resolvedin stars again and in the viewport she saw Draco Dracon's ship, the Draco's Pride.

Draco was watching when the Aquarius droppedin real space and smirked.
"She's here, Rool prepare everything to welcome the Commander properly. I don'twant our guest to be disappointed in us."
The Rodian inclined his head and hurried to the ship's aft to make thepreparations. He knew very well that his captain wasn't entirely content withthe decision the crew made, but he would play along to not endanger his leadingposition.
Nomi reached out with the Force as she was approaching the Corellian Gunship.There was nothing which felt off. She hailed the Draco's Pride and shortly after she got permission to dock. Whenshe heard the familiar thuds at the end of the docking maneuver, she cut theengine, unstrapped and walked over to the hatch. The Commander took a deepbreath and pushed the button to open the hatch. Draco stood there in full gearwith a winning smile on his face.
"Welcome onboard the Draco's Pride,Commander if you would follow me, please." He made an inviting gesture. As theywalk toward the bridge Nomi realized curious gazes by those they were passing. "Asyou see, we have all what we need."
The Jedi Master inclined her head and missed the subtle movement of Draco'sfingers pushing a button at his belt. The same instant a small freighterdropped back in real space and Nomi lost the connection to the Force. Sheremembered the feeling from decades ago when she rescued Kyle Katarn and lookedat Draco in disbelieve.
The pirate smirked at her as he took her blaster and the lightsaber. "You areway too trusting."
Behind him opened a door and a man in First Order uniform stepped out.

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