Chapter 10 - Making a Decision

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After Tarik left them, Nomi and Dash sat at the Dejarik table again.
The Jedi took a sip of Jet Sprit, looked over the rim of the glass and smiled at her husband, who frowned.
"What are you thinking about, darling?"
Instead of answering, her husband poured himself another drink and finished it in one go. He had a higher tolerance for this stuff than she did. Dash remembered very well how his wife had once felt when she'd had too much to drink during a Rogue Squadron celebration.
"I'm probably thinking the same thing as you right now after we talked to Tarik. I'm wondering if we should join the Resistance."
Nomi nodded her head.
"I think they need experienced pilots, Dash. Or do you think we're too old for this?"
The former mercenary laughed.
"We don't need to fly in combat, but we could be instructors."
"You can't be serious," Nomi replied, grinning at her husband. "I can't imagine you watching simulator training at Resistance headquarters while others risk their lives in combat."
Rendar winked at her.
"You know me very well or did your Jedi skills tell you that?"
Nomi shook her head.
"This has nothing to do with my Jedi skills. But something tells me we'll find Corran and Biggs in the Resistance too. Let's meet Tarik tomorrow."

In the morning they set off for the embassy.
As they reached their destination, the security droid approached them at the entrance.
"Good morning, Commander Darklighter, Major Rendar. Please put your weapons in the box." It then pointed to Nomi's lightsaber hanging from her belt. "This weapon too, Commander."
The Jedi smiled as she realized that her old friend had indeed reprogrammed the droid. She removed the lightsaber from her belt and placed it in the box next to Dash's blaster.
"I will inform the ambassador that you are here."
"That's not necessary," said Tarik, who at that moment came out of the door with a bag in his hand. He put the bag down to hug his friends.
"I never thought I'd see you two again so quickly," he said after letting go of Nomi. "Are you here because of what we talked about yesterday?"
Dash nodded.
"That's good," Tarik continued. "I'm on my way to Corellia to meet someone. He can take you where you are needed. I would suggest we meet in Coronet City. Do you know Horn's Inn? Corran Horn's son is the owner."
Dash internally cringed. Of all things, his home planet Corellia. Until now there was always trouble when he was there. It seemed like his home planet didn't like him. "Horn's Inn?" Dash shook his head. "Never heard of it. The son of Corran Horn? I thought the whole Horn family was with CorSec. Anyway, we'll find it."
He grabbed his blaster and holstered it. Then he handed the lightsaber to his wife, who attached it to her belt.
"Alright, Tarik, meet you on Corellia," Rendar said. "But first we have to get the Aquarius back to Dagobah."
The ambassador frowned.
"It would take too long. It's dangerous for my contact to stay in one place for a long time. First Order spies are everywhere. I'll have someone take the Aquarius to the embassy."
Nomi nodded, even though she didn't like being separated from her beloved ship again.
Tarik picked up his bag and turned towards the small door that led to the embassy's landing platform. Before he went out, he looked back once more.
"May the Force be with you both."
"May the Force be with you, Tarik, and be careful," Nomi replied.
Tarik laughed his chirpy laugh.
"You know me, don't you?"
Nomi laughed too.
"That's why I'm telling you this."

Then the door closed behind Tarik and his friends left the embassy and made their way to the Outrider's docking bay.

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