Chapter 75 - Family Ties

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Tasherit let Jaden the helm while she was taking care for her wounded brother. She knew that Corran was still in a critical condition. They had just made the jump to hyperspace and the young Jedi felt the familiar vibrations of the Trader's Luck.

She went over to the locker, retrieved some bacta patches and undressed her nearly unconscious brother. Tash gave a silent whistle seeing the wounds all over his body. "Wow, this looks really bad, brother. No wonder that you have fever," she said quietly while she begun to clean the wounds and to apply the patches. "I'll bring you to Mama, Corran she is the only one who can help you." She kissed her brother's forehead before she walked back to the cockpit where she slumped in the copilot's seat. At the viewport the streaks of hyperspace were passing by, causing an eerie light in the cockpit since the lighting was dimmed there.
Jaden turned his head. "How is he doing?"
The woman shook her head. "Not good to be honest. We must reach Nar Shaddaa as soon as possible."
"How about Polis Massa," her fiancé asked. "They have capable medics there and necessary equipment."
She looked at him and shook her head. "Polis Massa is too out of the way. Besides it could already be under control by the First Order. I don't want to take any risk if it comes to my brother. Nar Shaddaa is the only save haven I know of. The smugglers always succeeded to repel any attempt to conquest. And Mama is there..."
"Speaking of your mother, you should tell her that we picked up Corran and are on the way."
Jaden smiled at Tasherit as she activated the comm to hail her mother.

Nomi was lying in Dash's arms when the comm unit went off. She went out of bed and walked over to the desk to answer the call. Her husband enjoyed the sight and she swayed her hips while walking. After she settled down on the chair she saw that the call came over the secured family channel.
"Here's Trader's Luck calling," she heard her daughter's voice accompanied by statics.
"Finally," Nomi's answer came.
"We have Corran onboard, Mama but his condition's really bad. If I would tell you which parts of his body aren't wounded it wouldn't take long." She tried to joke, but her mother could tell nevertheless how concerned Tasherit was for her brother.
Dash looked over from the bed and frowned. "Is it this bad?"
"Corran has fever, Papa," his daughter's answer came. "I regret that I haven't listened when Mama tried to teach me how to heal."
Nomi sighed remembering how all of her children refused to study the Jedi healing arts.
"I cleaned his wounds and applied bacta patches," Tash continued. "Corran is sleeping now. I'm very angry that they left him behind, Mama."
"They couldn't know that your brother is still alive," her mother answered.
Tasherit grew angry. "They didn't even bother to look! The Resistance simply left! They left my brother to die!"
"Calm down, Tasherit you don't know what happened there," Nomi reminded her, thinking of the evacuation of Echo Base during the Galactic Civil War. There was also no time to look for possible survivors.
"You are right, Mama I don't know. Please prepare everything for our arrival. I don't want my brother to die."
Her mother nodded thoughtfully looking at her husband who had listened intently to the talk between mother and daughter.
"Me either, sweetie I will prepare everything. Have a safe flight and may the Force be with you all."
Then the Jedi Master cut the connection, walked slowly over to the bed and slid under the blanket. Her husband stroke her graying hair before taking her in his arms to comfort her despite he was also worried for their youngest son. "Corran will make it, love he is a strong man," Dash whispered in her ear pulling her close. She huddled up against him and begun to relax feeling the warmth of his body.
"I hope you are right, Dash," she answered.

After she finished the talk with her mother Tasherit headed back to the bunk were her wounded brother was lying. Corran was drenched in sweat. His sister took a cloth to wipe his forehead.
"I called Mama, Corran. She will prepare everything to help you. Promise me to hang on."
Her brother murmured something when she touched him.
"What did you say?" She listened intently to her brother's voice. It came raspy and the words were nearly inaudible.
"Sheila, you came again," he said with effort. "Please sing for me."
Tasherit was unable to bring herself to say him that Sheila wasn't there. That she would never sing for him again since she died years ago. Instead she took Corran in her arms and begun to sing a lullaby their mother sung for them when they were little.
Finally her brother begun to relax and fell asleep.

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