Chapter 85 - Meeting with the Pirates

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A week had passed until the pirates arrived on Nar Shaddaa.
Dash Jr. and Tash were waiting for Draco's shuttle to arrive in the assigned docking bay. They felt a bit nervous.
"I hope Draco will accept Mama's leadership," Tasherit said to her brother.
"Don't worry, sis he will. He doesn't know that it is our mother to whom he will pledge his allegiance."
His sister smirked. "You know Draco. His ego is wide like a Sarlacc pit."
"Hey, he isn't this bad. Draco helped us a lot," Dash retorted with a smile. "It will work out."
The blast doors closed as the shuttle landed and opened after the engines were cut. The two young Rendars looked expectantly at the hatch which opened slowly. The ramp lowered and a man stood in the doorway ready to step down.
"He knows how to do an entrance," Tasherit whispered watching the pirate walk down the ramp followed by his lieutenant.
Draco was in his mid-forties, muscled, with brown hair and green eyes. He radiated an air of confidence and pride. His lieutenant, a Rodian stood right behind him scanning the surroundings with a wary eye his hand lingering over his blaster. The pirate captain looked around and grinned widely when seeing Dash Jr. and Tasherit approaching him.
"Hey, Rendar" he said and slapped Dash Jr. on the shoulder who stood in front of him. "It's a long time I saw you and your sister the last. So you need my help? I knew you wouldn't last long without me. Haven't I said this, Rool?"
He turned his head slightly and waved his lieutenant to come nearer.
The Rodian chuckled before answering Draco in Basic with a heavy accent. His hand was still lingering over his blaster while looking at Dash Jr. and Tasherit. "Yes, you said so, Draco."
The pirate smirked. "So where can I find your commander, Dash?"
It sounded odd in the Rendar siblings' ears to hear someone refer to their mother as commander. But it seemed they have to get used to it.
"In Rimmer's Rest," he answered, "if you and your lieutenant would follow us." Dash Jr. made an inviting gesture and led the way.

A few minutes later they reached Rimmer's Rest. There Nomi was already waiting for them.
Draco looked at the small, elderly woman sitting at a table and smirked.
"Are you the commander?" The pirate's voice showed his surprise all too well. "I've expected a man to be honest. Dash didn't mention that the commander is a woman."
The Jedi Master looked at the man standing in front of her and smiled. "You aren't the first one who seems to underestimate me, Mr. Dracon."
The remark caused a chuckle by the pirate. "There aren't many calling me Mr. Dracon. It's just Draco." He looked down at Nomi.
"I'm glad you followed my invite, Draco," she said with a smile.
"I was curious who the one might be to take on the First Order after the Resistance is gone," Draco. "By the way this is Rool, my lieutenant and second in command." He pointed at the Rodian standing at his side.
The non-Human inclined his head without saying a word sizing up the woman they were about to pledge their allegiance; theirs and of their crew. He wondered what they were putting themselves in.
"Please take a seat, Draco. Rool," Nomi said and pointed at the free chairs at the table.
Draco sat down opposite of the Jedi Master while Rool remained standing. Dash Jr. and Tasherit left the room since they had the impression that it would be better if their mother would negotiate the terms alone with their future allies.

It took nearly two standard hours until both factions reached an agreement. Draco stood up and offered his hand. "So we have an agreement, Commander."
The Jedi Master stood also up and shook his hand. "Yes, Draco rest assured you won't regret it."
"I hope so, Commander I hope so. Come, Rool let's go and tell the crew that we're Rebels now."
His lieutenant inclined his head before following Draco out of the room and heading for their shuttle. When they were back on the street Rool addressed his captain. "You really want to stick out your neck for them?"
"Why not? Dash asked for our help and the commander promised we can keep the loot except of the weapons. The conditions could be far worse."
The Rodian shrugged. "If you think so, Draco payment would be better."
"Hey, I bet there are a lot of credits on those First Order ships. We will make a profit for sure," his captain answered with a grin.
"I hope so. We can't risk a mutiny because of your crazy promise," Rool retorted. "I can't share your optimism. We are pirates not freedom fighters. It will be like every time. They use us and when they achieved their goal they'll kick our butts."
Draco shook his head. "Not with them. I've a good feeling they will honor our treaty."
"We will see..." Rool wasn't really convinced but he had to accept his captain's decision.
Finally they reached their shuttle and entered it. They were shortly after on their way back to their ship which was hidden in the Tion Cluster near the Perlemian Trade Route.

Dash Rendar entered the room after the pirates left and walked over to his wife. "Everything went well, darling?" He bent down and gave Nomi a kiss.
"It seems so even when I felt that Draco's lieutenant wasn't entirely fine with our agreement," the Jedi answered.
"What have you expected? Those are pirates. They aren't for charity but for profit. What have you offered them?"
"They can keep everything except the weapons. We are in desperate need of weapons, Dash."
"I thought we fight the First Order in space. Not all of us are trained for ground combat, honey."
Nomi looked up at her husband. "We must be prepared for everything. You will train those who have no experience in ground combat and infiltration."
The former mercenary gave her a sloppy salute. "Yes, Ma'am yes."
His wife chuckled seeing this. "I hope you will be more serious when you train our soldiers."
"Of course, Nomi what are you thinking of me? The better they are trained the fewer losses we'll have."
Nomi stood up and walked over to the door to leave the room. "It's mandatory that all of our troopers are able to fight in orbit and at the ground, Dash."
"Understood, Commander," he said as he pulled out his comlink to summon the first bunch he wanted to train in ground combat.

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