Chapter 11 - The Resistance Recruiter

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After a smooth flight through hyperspace, the Outrider dropped back into real space near Corellia.
Dash Rendar yawned.
"I don't know, space travel is kind of boring these days. No Interdictor Cruiser suddenly yanking you out of hyperspace, no TIEs trying to vaporize you..."
"It could be like that again soon if what Leia and Tarik fear comes true, Dash," Nomi interrupted her husband. "We should enjoy the peace and quiet while we still can."
Dash looked at his wife.
"If we're with the Resistance, the quiet days will soon be over, darling."
The Jedi nodded.
"You might be right about that."

Dash steered the Outrider towards Coronet City after ground control had given permission to land. He gently touched the YT-2400 down in the docking bay. After the usual safety precautions, they left the docking bay and made their way to Treasure Ship Row.
As always, the large open-air shopping center was full of passers-by from all over the galaxy.
"And now we just have to find Horn's Inn." Dash grinned at his wife.
"Let me do that, Dash."
She walked up to the nearest pedestrian, a Bothan who crossed her path, and asked him for directions. Then she came back.
"We're in luck, darling, the Horn's Inn is about five hundred meters from here."
"Then let's go! I bet Tarik is already waiting for us."

After a few minutes, Nomi and Dash reached their destination and entered the bar.
Inside, they saw the usual hodgepodge of human and alien patrons. But unlike other bars in the galaxy, it was surprisingly clean. Behind the bar was a young man who could not deny that he was a Horn descendant. So this was the son of Corran Horn. He seemed to be a few years younger than their own children. Apparently, the former Rogue Squadron pilot had found a wife after the Civil War. Nomi was happy for him.
Dash nudged his wife to pull her out of her thoughts. He had seen Tarik sitting in a booth which was barely visible. Before approaching him, Dash ordered two glasses of Corellian brandy. With the glasses in hand, he and his wife made their way to the table. As they approached, they noticed that Tarik was not alone. Sitting next to him was a handsome man with striking features and dark brown, wavy hair, wearing a light brown leather jacket. Nomi estimated the man to be a little older than her sons. At least he wasn't a victory child. She was absolutely certain of that. The Jedi looked at him. Was he Tarik's liaison to the Resistance?
They sat down and Tarik's companion held out his hand.
"Poe Dameron. And you are?"
"Nomi Darklighter," the Jedi said, taking the offered hand and shaking it.
Dameron raised an eyebrow when he heard the name.
"Nomi Darklighter? You were with Rogue Squadron under the command of Wedge Antilles. And you were one of the pilots who attacked the second Death Star. My mother Shara had told me about the old days in the Alliance. She was an A-wing pilot and knew your cousin Biggs, who was killed during the Battle of Yavin. My father Kes was with the ground forces during the Battle of Endor. If you're Nomi Darklighter, then you're Dash Rendar."
The former mercenary nodded in affirmation.
Dameron whistled softly and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I can't believe it, I'm about to recruit two living legends."
"Damn it, Dameron, keep it down," Tarik hissed, looking around worriedly.
Poe looked guilty and lowered his voice.
"Oh, I just remembered, we've already recruited two Rendar."
Nomi and Dash listened attentively. Had they actually found their two younger sons? Dameron hadn't noticed the looks they were giving each other.
"What were their names?" The young man thought hard and then the names came back to him. "Biggs and Corran Rendar. They're twins."
"No, they're triplets," Dash said, grinning. "And they have a younger sister, too.
Dash Jr. and Tasherit were recruited by our friend Tarik and should be arriving at their destination soon."
Dameron looked at him in surprise.
"A whole family? You could almost start your own squadron."
He took a sip from his glass of Corellian ale and leaned forward.
"Welcome to the Resistance," he whispered. "I have to go now."
Poe Dameron, stood up, took Nomi's hand and thrusted a flimsiplast into it. Then he leaned forward slightly as if to kiss her goodbye.
"I'll send you the jump coordinates for your nav computer. Here's the decryption code," he whispered in her ear. "Be careful, the First Order is not to be underestimated."
Then he turned and made his way to the exit.

After the Resistance fighter had left, Dash turned to Tarik.
"I get the impression that the boy is a bit reckless. I hope that doesn't get him into trouble one day."
"The boy is the best pilot in the Resistance," Tarik replied in a hushed voice. "He can fly anything, Dash."
The Corellian grinned broadly.
"I'd like to see that, Tarik."
He drained the glass in one gulp, stood up and threw a few credits on the table.
"C'mon, Nomi, let's get out of here. The sooner we leave Corellia, the better."
His wife and Tarik stood up as well. The ambassador smiled at his former comrades.
"Be careful, my friends, and may the Force be with you."
The couple left the Horn's Inn and made their way to the docking bay while Tarik stayed behind.

As the Jedi and her husband entered the Outrider, a small light flashed on the console.
Poe Dameron had already sent the encrypted jump coordinates. Nomi handed her husband the flimsiplast with the decryption code and grinned.
"It seems Dameron can't wait until we get there."
It didn't take long for Dash to decode the coordinates and enter them into the nav computer. He turned to his wife, who had already settled into the co-pilot's seat as usual.
"The coordinates take us close to Hosnian Prime, Malastare and Sullust. Always far enough away from the planet that we can avoid the gravitational field and jump back into hyperspace and to the next coordinates. The headquarters of the Resistance is located in the Ileenium system, on the planet D'Qar to be precise. Let's go, darling!"

A few minutes later, they jumped into hyperspace and were on their way to the Resistance and their children.

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