Bang on 10, Esme began to face time me, and I accepted to see them all huddled round the phone. Giggling, I waved and smiled, taking a screenshot.

"We missed you!"


"You look hot," Esme said, sticking her tongue out. However, I knew it was completely sarcastic because my eyes had bags, my hair was chaos, and my sweatshirt was creased. Clearly, I hadn't slept.

They caught me up on anything I needed to know, then listened to me briefly telling them about what had happened over here. Thankfully, they carried most of the conversation though so it was a nice call. They knew what not to focus on.


"I'm on a call,"

"We need to head out soon princess, you can call them tomorrow,"

"Can you say hi?"

"Hi," Calum said, peeking into the frame, "We've got places to be, she can call tomorrow?"

"We'll figure it out," Beth said, "See you later!"


As I ended the call, he hugged me tightly and then took my plate downstairs. I put my hair in a ponytail, putting on black jeans and a blue sweatshirt. My appearance wasn't my main concern today.

"Your things are arriving this evening, we'll get your room feeling like you. Are you ready?"


"Let's go,"

We went down in the lift and then got in the car, the traffic into town not being something I was used to. In the end, we found a parking spot and got out, walking down the unfamiliar streets.

He took me into a sandwich bar and we chose one with a drink, then sat down in a booth together.

"Did your friends have much to say then?"

"They were talking about everything at home, and they want our address,"

"You can tell them later. Is there a parent I can get in touch with?"

"Esme's mum worked with my mum,"

"It would be great if I could have her email or number to whatsapp. We could get news about over there, and the can get news about over here,"

I shared the contact with him and gave him her email, then tucked into my sandwich. After the sleepless nights, I had begun to appreciate Calum's company more. He was patient and understanding, even when he had every right to be moody and tired.

I'd never had a male figure in my life either, so it was a change for sure, but I'd always wanted one. I did have a dad, Blair, but I'd never got the chance to meet him. It was hard to imagine a relationship with him, but I knew he was a good man and would've been a great hugger. Mum was so fond of him.

"I think the boys will start hanging out a bit more soon, to try and find some normality. We need the company,"

"Where will I go?"

"You can come, you're always invited. Even if you don't want to sit with us all, you can stay in their bedrooms so we are out of the way,"


"Have you had enough to eat?"

"Yes, thankyou,"

"Alright, we can perhaps pick up a treat for you afterwards. Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and took my rubbish to the bin, quietly sitting in the car. Calum held my hand while he drove, rubbing small circles on it, then we pulled into the hospital car park and the car stopped.

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