I nodded and she met Melissa outside and left.

"Alright Hunter give it to me."

"Ok alpha. About 4 hours ago we spotted a rouge come onto our territory beat up and barely alive. The thing is there was a note on it." He gave me the note. "We think it's from Alpha Brown. He is planning to attack soon. We need to be on high alert and most importantly we need to protect our Luna."

I opened the note. "Hello Alpha. I'm glad to see your Luna is back. But remember she will be mine. And I'm coming soon."

I ripped the note up and was now shaking with anger. That suck bastard who the hell does he think he is.

Alpha Brown is not the person that you think he is. He is a Alpha from the New York area. He has watched Daisy and claimed that she is his.

And it's making me mad.

"Hunter I want 30 men patrolling at night now and 25 during the day. I want every wolf to start training if they are ages of 16 and up. Training hours will start after school hours from 4-6. Hunter you will be training the students from 16-20 and I will take the rest. We will be on lock down of our territory we do not leave unless protected. Understood? Do not tell Daisy but tell everyone in the pack and tell them not to tell the Luna. If it's a war he wants its a war he gets."

Hunter nodded and left the room. About 2 hours later I hear my sister and my beautiful mate walk in my office. Melissa knows what's going on a gives me a warning look. Daisy is looking beautiful like always.

"Ok Alex I bought this cute white sundress!! It's so cute you're going to love it? When's the celebration?"

"In an hour." I reply to Daisy.

She squealed and ran to our room to I think get ready. I just let out a chuckle. I turned my attention back to Melissa.

"How are you not going to tell her? She deserves to know."

"No she really doesn't. She went on with 3 years without knowing and we don't need to let her know yet. Ok?" I said through gritted teeth.

I saw my baby sister bow her head in respect. "Yes alpha."

"Good now go help Daisy get ready."

I saw tears in her eyes. I never really mean to use my alpha voice on my sister but sometimes she needs to be told things. I earn respect.

"Melissa I'm sorry its just im stressed."

She didn't say anything but just left. I decided that I needed to get ready. It's not a tux type of thing but maybe dress pants and a polo.

I spiked up my hair and shaved my beard. I say I look good.

I went to the pack stage area and saw everyone chatting and drinking. It still scares me that I run all these people. I started to chat with some people until it was time to start.

After awhile I saw daisy come through with Melissa with her dress blowing in the wind. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gasped. I saw Daisy look down because she was embarrassed.

After awhile of just staring at her I ran to her and she grabbed my arm and I lead her to the stage where everyone was still in shock to see that their Luna is back.

"Hello Everyone." I started "I have gathered you all here today to tell you we now officially have a Luna. She is finally back."

I saw everyone smiling.

"Now with further ado...Daisy?"

She came to me shaking nervously but gave me a shy smile. Then started talking.

"Hello again. 5 years ago I left this place without an explanation to any of you. 5 years ago I moved back to my home town of New York City. I left without anyone knowing where I was living or my phone number. I also took a Roman with me. I really never thought of anyone else at that point and I now know how selfish I was then. I then found a man who took my heart away 2 years later and after 3 years of dating him he proposed to me. I of course said yes thinking I was in love with this man. That day he surprised with tickets to come back down here to Lyon to see my friends and family. When we got here Roman of course wanted to go see his daddy. That day when I said yes to go see him it was 5 years since I saw him last. Then when I saw him it's been 5 years and he still looked just as good as when I left him. I then realized that I was still in love with him but I just couldn't go back. I decided to go on with the wedding and marry Chase but I knew Alex was still the one for me. So today during the wedding Alex came back for me and I knew this is where I belong. So tonight I ask for your forgiveness because this time I know I'm not leaving. So all I ask right now is that you will let me be Luna and I promise to do all the duties of a Luna and keep this pack running because admit it...Alex can't do it by himself anymore."

Her speech made everyone in the crowd murmur yes and they all started to bow their heads.

I love the respect this pack has. I'm glad she is the one to rain along with me. I love him.

After her speech I came to her and kissed her with all my love.

"Let's party!!!" I yelled

The DJ started playing music and everyone started to dance and people wanted to dance with the Luna. I know how shy she is and can't say to.

Now I have to apologize to someone.

I saw her dancing with her mate on the dance floor looking happy.

"Excuse me but I would like this dance with my sister."

He immediately moved out of the way and I started to dance with my baby sister.

"Melissa I'm sorry for yelling at you. Daisy is my everything and she just got back in my life and I already have a threat on her. I should of never used my alpha voice because Melissa I do love you. You'll always be my little squirt. Please forgive me."

She looked at me with tears. Family is the only thing I have. I have to be the big brother and now I need to be her dad. I really can't believe how she has grown.

"Alex I forgive you. I love you to."

She hugged me and the song ended. I kissed her forehead and went to find my beautiful mate.

I grabbed her hand and made sure she was going to dance with me.
Everyone cleared the dance floor and we made it.

"Ok Daisy I have one question."

She looked at me kinda confused.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course stupid" she laughed and kissed me.

Everyone was cheering and my mother was crying.

I love my life now its just I have to worry about Brown now.

And I will do everything in my power to keep my girlfriend safe.....


So guys how do you like it so far? Please comment and vote!

I love you all!

The Alphas Human Mate #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz