When You Have A Tantrum

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John Lennon - You were trying to get to the sink and into the mirror to open it because you wanted to brush your teeth. When you couldn't get to the sink because you were too short, you started to get frustrated. After keeping on trying, you gave up and threw a tantrum. You got really upset and started to cry and threw your toys around. Your daddy came in. "Why are you throwing your toys everywhere?" He asked. You went into the bathroom and tried to brush your teeth again. Your daddy found out and picked you up. He helped you clean your mouth.

Paul McCartney - You and Sweetie were playing in the house. While you both were playing, Sweetie accidentally knocked over a vase. You got upset, so you decided to throw a tantrum. You threw Sweetie's toys around in anger. Your daddy came in and realized what happened. "Y/N, it was an accident. There is no reason to throw a tantrum." He said as he cleaned up the mess.

George Harrison - You were trying hard to jump up the stairs because you wanted to get up the stairs just like everyone else is doing. You got frustrated when you couldn't get up. You started to yell and scream. Your daddy wondered why and realized why you were having a tantrum. He helped you up.

Ringo Starr - Your daddy and mommy took you and the puppies out to a park. You were having fun with your pups until someone grabbed you. You started to cry, scream, yell and throw a tantrum. That's when Sugar saw. She and the other two pups barked at that person. They bit the person's legs and ankles. Your mommy and daddy yelled at that person. They were proud of you for throwing a tantrum to get their attention.

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