Who They Trust To Babysit You

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John Lennon - Your daddy trusts his bandmates to babysit you, but when he married Cynthia, she became your new mommy.

Paul McCartney - Your daddy trusts George to babysit you because he liked to eat, so did you. You couldn't help but sneak your way into the counter for cookies, but George stops you before you could do so, but he saw the sadness in your (E/C) eyes and he couldn't resist.

George Harrison - Your daddy trusted Ringo to watch you because you liked the sound of him playing the drums. You wanted to play the drums, but Ringo would stop you every time you tried to get on his drum set. George laughed when he saw you play with Ringo's drumsticks.

Ringo Starr - Now he doesn't really prefer babysitters, because he couldn't stand being away from you because
1. You were only an infant,
2. You had no one else to watch you,
3. He was afraid someone would break into the house and kidnap you,
and 4. What if your babysitter was a kleptomaniac and decides to kidnap you? He would freak out.
So whenever he needed to work for either acting and/or perform songs with the other bandmates, he always took you with him. His manager, Brian Epstein, would always be there to watch you while they were performing songs.

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