You Get Kidnapped And Saved

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John Lennon - You and your mommy were having Mommy-Son/Daughter Time. You both took Peanut with you and at a beauty shop, your mommy tells you that later you'll get a chocolate sundae if you're on your best behavior. While your mommy was looking at some makeup stuff, a man came to you and grabs you. Peanut was in a bag and she saw you crying. The man leaves the beauty shop, only to be bitten by Peanut! He drops you and Peanut barked at him. You and Peanut went back to the beauty shop to be with your mommy again. Peanut got back into the bag. After that, you got a chocolate sundae.

Paul McCartney - You, your daddy, Sweetie, and Martha were at a park that is for dogs. You loved playing with Sweetie. Your daddy and Martha were also playing, too. While you were playing fetch with Sweetie, a man came to you and asked you if you were having fun. You smiled and said yes. The man smiles at you. You and Sweetie were about to play some more, but the man grabbed you and Sweetie. You started to cry and scream and Sweetie started to bark very loudly. He was about to take you both to his car, but luckily, Martha came to the rescue. She bit the man's leg and your daddy yelled at him, telling him to go away. The man dropped you and Sweetie. Martha licked Sweetie and your daddy hugged you. Your daddy praised Martha for coming to Sweetie and your rescue.

George Harrison - You, your daddy, Dan and Ann were at a fair, having funnel cakes and fried chicken. A woman came up to you and asked you if you were having fun. You said yes, but while your daddy wasn't looking, the woman grabbed you and tried to take you away, but Dan and Ann bit the woman's legs to rescue you. When the woman dropped you, she got scared and ran away. Dan and Ann licked your face and poked you with their wet noses. Your daddy witnessed that and you both went back to eating the funnel cakes and fried chicken.

Ringo Starr - Your mommy and daddy were on a date and you, Sugar, Princess, and Sammy were being babysat by a woman. She is a kleptomaniac and your parents don't know that. She decided to kidnap you and make you her son/daughter, so she came into your nursery and grabbed you. She opened the door, but as soon as she was about to take you away from your parents, Sugar, Princess, and Sammy sprang into action. They bit the woman's legs and she dropped you, making you cry. You ran into the house, so did the puppies. The puppies licked you. When your mommy and daddy came home, you told them that the kleptomaniac lady tried to take you away and the puppies rescued you. Your mommy praised the puppies and gave them dog treats as a reward for saving you.

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