How They Take Care Of You

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John Lennon -
Feeding Time: It was time to feed you, so your daddy put you in your high chair. He put a bowl of yellow-colored baby food and a little bottle of apple juice. He took a spoonful of the baby food and tried to put it in your mouth. You refused because you thought it was poisonous. "C'mon, Y/N, it's banana flavored." You opened your mouth and to your surprise, it was really good. It tasted like banana like your daddy said. You continued to eat and eat until everything in the bowl was gone. Your daddy put your bottle in your mouth so you could drink the apple juice. After that, you were given soft animal crackers.

Diaper Changing: You were playing until you felt something wet. You cried, so your daddy came and wondered why. He noticed your wet diaper and knew what was going on. He picked you up and placed you on the table. He took your diaper off, put baby powder on you to clean you and put a new diaper on. After your daddy washed his hands, you cooed as he picked you up again and started tossing you in the air.

Paul McCartney -
Feeding Time: You were crawling around until your daddy walked to you. "Do you know what time it is, little angel?" You cooed in curiosity. "It's feeding time." He picked you up and put you in your high chair. He put a bowl of rice cereal. You opened your mouth because you thought rice cereal was okay. It was okay when he fed you. You ate spoonful after spoonful until everything was gone. You were given soft cheese crackers after.

Diaper Changing: You cried because your diaper was wet. Your daddy knew what was going on and picked you up. He took you to a table where he took your wet diaper off and cleaned you with baby powder. You cooed when he put a new diaper on. After that, your daddy washed his hands and played with you all day long.

George Harrison -
Feeding Time: Your daddy picked you up and put you in your high chair because it was feeding time. He put a bowl of applesauce and a little bottle of apple juice to match the meal. You cooed and opened your mouth when he took a spoonful of the applesauce. You ate every bite of it because you thought it was really safe to eat. You drank up the apple juice. After that, you were given a soft cookie.

Diaper Changing: Your daddy saw your wet diaper and put on a table so he could change your diaper. He removed your diaper, cleaned you with baby powder and put a new diaper on. After that, he washed his hands and played with you.

Ringo Starr -
Feeding Time: You were taken to your high chair so you could be fed. Your daddy put a bowl of cinnamon applesauce and a little bottle of chocolate milk. He tried to feed you, but you refused. "It's cinnamon. You probably like it." He said. You opened your mouth. When he put the spoon in your mouth, you stuck out your tongue, spitting out the applesauce. It got all over your daddy. Good thing he wasn't wearing one of his suits. "Oh, that's nice." He said. "Y/N, if you don't eat your applesauce, then you're not getting a cinnamon roll." He said. You obeyed and ate every spoonful of the cinnamon applesauce. Your daddy smiled, acknowledging your obedience and handed you a cinnamon roll.

Diaper Changing: Your daddy was playing with you until he saw something wet on your diaper. Taking you to a table, he took your diaper off, used baby powder to clean you and put a new diaper on you. After washing his hands, you and your daddy continued your daddy-daughter/son time together.

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