Start from the beginning

"And you must be,Ms Granger." Lucius said glaring at his son who gave him a reassuring nod. "Yes Draco's told me all about you and your parents." He said making the brown haired girl turn her head the other way to look at them.

"Muggles.Are they?" He said then turned to the red haired boy who was standing next to the older Potter."Let me see..red hair, vacant expressions, tatty second hand book..you must be..the Weasleys."

A man with a pointed hat then came up to them "Children!It's crowed here,Let's go outside."The man said.

"Well well well,Weasley senior." The blonde haired man said.

"Lucius." Mr Weasley said as he glared at Mr Malfoy.

"Busy time at the ministry Arthur,with those extra raids,I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this..I'd say not"

The older Greenwood couldn't stand listening to this so she moved away from them.Her younger sister then walked up to her.

"What's going on Roseline?Why'd you go there?" Her younger sister asked.

"I was trying to stand up for my friends" She said whispering the last part of the statement

The girl saw the blonde haired man put the book back into the cauldron.A few moments later she saw Lucius leave and Draco follow behind him.

"You shouldn't have done that Roseline,We were fine." The green eyed boy said as he turned to her.

"No I owed you one.We're even now." The blue eyed girl said.

"So whose this Harry?" Asked one of the tall red haired boys.

"That's Roseline,I met her today when I went to look for Harry!" Hermione said as Harry glared at her."What you always butt in when I'm talking!" The brown haired gi exclaimed.

"I'm Roseline Greenwood." She said as her sister started walking towards them.

"And I'm Madelyn Greenwood!" Her brown haired sister said.Harry then remembered what the blonde said about her sister.

"You guys don't look alike."One of the identical reds said.

"Not all siblings look alike Fred." Hermione said.

"Oh." muttered the other twin. "We're Gred and Forge!" They said at the same time.Which kind of mixed up the blonde.

"Uh Fred and George?" She asked.

"Yeah!" The twins roared at the same time.

"I'm Ron." said another red head.

"I'm Ginny." said the red haired girl.

"Don't be such nut heads,he's Ronald and she's Ginerva!" Said George making everyone but the two red heads burst into laughter.

"Well that's everyone!" said Harry forgetting the older Weasley brother.

"Hi I'm Percy"said another red haired boy as he shook the blonde's hand.

"Percival!" one of the identical twins corrected him.

"What's wrong?Don't you just LOVE you're names!" added the other twin

"Oh really Fredrick!" Percy said. "STOP!" both the twins said at the same time as their father started walking towards them.

"Well kids I see you've made new friends!"Mr Weasley butted in. "I'm Arthur,Arthur Weasley!" he said as he shook both of the Greenwoods hands.

"We best be going Darlings." A voice said from behind them. The blonde recognized the voice of her mother.

"Oh Hello, I'm Flora,Flora Greenwood." said the blonde's mother.

"Great meeting you and your daughters.They're very lovely!" said Mr Weasley."Well now children let's go." He added to his statement.

"Bye Roseline." Harry muttered as he walked past her. "Bye." she murmered.

"Well , I see you've made friends Madelyn!That's amazing." the blonde's father said as he walked toward them.

"Er I believe they were Roseline's friends first Mr Greenwood." Hagrid stated. Mr Greenwood just rolled his eyes at that statement.

"Okay then back to the muggle world we go!" Hagrid said noticing Mr Greenwood's annoyance to his first statement.

𓏲࣪ 𓂃 ⵓ . 𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ࣪𓂅 ˖ˑ
Do excuse my cringe writing, I wrote this in 2020 and I don't have the time to edit it well so I'm only editing to remove certain characters and make the chapters better looking. I'm really busy with school. Thanks for reading!

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