Chapter 49: Dreadful Exposition

Start from the beginning

Kashi smiled while he watched Absalon shirk off the drakul as he got to his feet.

Oddly enough, rather than rage or contempt, Absalon seemed immensely pleased, denoted by his huge grin.

"Impressive," hailed Absalon. "I haven't met any adventurer capable of breaking my shield. I was beginning to think I'd have to travel to Serisis if I wanted to get a challenge."

"You're not too bad yourself," Kashi admitted. "I don't know how, but you're pulling off moves which should empty most mana pools in seconds. You've got to tell me how when I win."

"'When' you win? Ha! You've got some mighty confidence if nothing else." Absalon snorted and then brandished his staff. "Fine then. When I win, you will tell me about your skills. I haven't seen those used by a pugilist ever."

Kashi refrained from correcting him. No need to reveal he was actually a painter. That would only raise questions he did not want to answer. "Agreed. Now come. Let's end this."

"Very well." Absalon released his staff, and it floated horizontally in front of him. Spreading his arms over the weapon, he chanted. "[Assimilate]" Instantly, the staff's bark peeled off as if sliced by an invisible knife, leaving a glowing light in its place. The red mage grabbed this light, and it enveloped his body.


A terrible aura burst out from Absalon's body as his mana and strength considerably swelled. [Assimilate] broke down and then absorbed pure mana extracted from magic equipment into the caster. The skill boosted mana, and power in proportion to the weapon is consumed. Its downside, however, was that it not only destroyed whatever equipment it assimilated but also weakened the caster when the boost cycle was over.

Undaunted by Absalon's surge in power, Kashi charged forward. Bam! His first attack landed on a mandala that instantaneously blasted his arm backward. Tap. Tap. Kashi cycled his feet, taking advantage of the momentum to spin around. Bam! The daeben's elbow struck the base of Absalon's neck.

The mage lurched forward under the sudden blow, whirled around and cast [Gravity]. For the brief moment that Kashi was rendered immobile, Absalon released a flurry of punches at the daeben, leaving several mandalas wherever he touched.


Absalon jumped back as the bombs exploded and then raised his arm. Clumps of debris rose from the ground to hover over the daeben, their jagged edges trained at the airborne daeben.

"Die!" Absalon ordered and then closed his palm. Boom! The debris crashed into the daeben with crazy velocity before he could right himself. The Summoned present witnessed the daeben's HP fall to zero just before dust shrouded the impact zone. Absalon, especially wore a triumphant smile as he proclaimed, "It's over."


The Kertan soldiers erupted in cries of victory at their general's declaration. Nyte released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, relief apparent on his face.

"Of course," Asha said, toying with her blade. "He never stood a chance against the boss." She looked across the room at Leila. "Now I can mess up that bi-"

The look in Leila's eyes gave her pause. Those were not eyes of the defeated, nor were they eyes of desperation. No, Leila's gaze held absolute confidence fixated on something... or someone! "Absalon watch out!"

"Too late," declared an ominous voice as five arrows zipped out the dust clouds.

A giant mandala blocked the spinning arrows, but the spinning missiles lost none of their momenta. Sparks flew as the drilling arrows fought against the obstruction.

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