The Rape Field

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Changed the slave numbers so it would make more sense ;)x
Christianah xxx

Vilayna's POV

Shortly after our welcome home party Mr Valentino directed each slave to the field he wanted them to work in. My field was harvesting cotton so I was directed to the shack near the cotton field.

"This is were you will be based and it will be like a home to you." I was told by a male slave who looked exhausted.

On arrival I found that the shack was empty and I realised that it was probably because the people were out working.

There were two main rooms in the shack, one was bare except for some benches and the other was full of sleeping bags that covered the whole floor. They were laid closely together and looked very simple, they also looked like they hadn't been washed in a while. Some sleeping bags were in shreds and yet they were still being used.

I was handed a long frock, without under-clothes of any kind, with the frock came simple shoes that I could wear. I was then directed to a lake were I could wash and was given some soap to wash with.

Nothing else. Just a soap and a old dry towel to dry myself with.

I made my way to the lake only to find 5 white men watching the site. All eyes turned to me as I placed my towel and soap down.(I hadn't taken my clothes off yet)

"These men stay at the lake site to make sure no one gets away or tries to swim away. That is why we have gates in front of the lake at night so none of us can escape." The man had told me.

Remembering what had happened to me at the Kings palace and everyone's eyes on my naked form made me feel weary and anxious of the men staring at me, so I decided against taking a bath.
Returning to the shack I changed quickly into my clothes while no one was around and that was when Mr Valentino walked in.

"See, you fit right in in the slaves frock."He remarked. I decided it would be best to avoid trouble until I could figure out how to escape so I remained silent."Let me tell you the rules in this plantation. The rules in the Valentino plantation. Whoever picks the most cotton gets a bigger meal to the rest of the slaves. The 3 slaves that pick the fewest cotton from the plants get 25 strokes, no food and no bath as punishment. Understood?"I nodded."Good so as it is your first day you will not be liable to punishment if you don't get much done. However tomorrow..."He smiled evilly,"Tomorrow would be a very different matter so I suggest you get out into the field and practice or you might end up with 25 strokes, no food and no bath."He recommended.

I nodded before leaving to make my way towards the cotton field, where I could see hundreds of slaves working away at lightening speed.

It was like a competition as I watched each one take the cotton out of the plant as fast as he/she could.

Well in a way I guess it is a competition...

No one welcomed me as I approached the field,I guess they were all to busy taking out the cotton from the plants.

I was handed a bag by a white man and directed to where I could start harvesting the cotton.

I looked down at the cotton plants arrayed before me then looked up at my fellow workers and sighed before I started harvesting the cotton.
The work was hard and strenuous, all the other slaves were so fast and I was...very slow... I wasn't used to this sort of hard labour and to be honest I didn't want to get used to it either.

We stopped work at seven and all the slaves lined up in a row in front of the field with their bags so the white men could see how much cotton they had harvested.

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