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Vilayna's POV

I eyed the strange man perplexed as he walked over confidently into the throne room with a black male servant behind him. He walked to my side but he did not bow to the king like we all did, he simply stood in front of the king with his head high.

"I have a proposal for you." The king told him. The servant translated it to the white man.

The white man mumbled something to the servant in a foreign language and the servant translated back to us.

"Speak for I am listening."

"The girl" The king gestured to me and I froze.

All eyes were on me as the white man turned to me. He gestured for me to stand and I did as I was told.

He then circled me like a vulture eyeing its prey. He looked me up and down a few times before reaching for my face which he examined intently.

My heart skipped, he was so close I thought he would kiss me-but of course he didn't. He combed his hand through my thick brown hair before letting me go and turning back to the king.

He said something again to his servant which his servant translated: "She seems fragile but nether the less she is beautiful, which would come in handy."

Wow, the white man thought I was beautiful! I smiled inwardly.

"I will give her to you in return for some goods that you brought from overseas."The king said.

The white man glanced at me again and let out an outward sigh.

"Very well."His servant said as the white man called in a few more white men carrying goods such as silk, weaponry, new technology and brandy.

Where are all these white people coming from? Why haven't I seen them before?

The white man selected a few guns and some brandy and spoke to his translator.

"This is what she is worth."

The king was deeply unsatisfied, "Impossible! This is the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. She was to be my sons bride until she betrayed us all. I demand more."The translator translated this to the white man.

The white man looked up at the king half amused shaking his head before speaking again to his translator.

"Take it or leave it."

The king was restless and angry he slammed his fist into the arm of his throne and saying, "More."

"I am simply purchasing one slave girl not your entire castle."The translator translated the white mans word.

He's selling me? He can't do that! I am not a slave!

The white man was so arrogant and confident, he spoke to the king with no shame or respect. The king stood up anger blazing in his eyes. He had a very short temper indeed.

The white man stood his ground still looking amused at the king as if he was a little child throwing a tantrum.

"Farther forget it, she's not even worth a fart." Zuri said,"Lets just get rid of her and take what we can get for now."

Jerk! I am worth lots of farts! Did I really just think that?

The king nodded in agreement with his son and sat back down."Very well" The king said to the white man.

The white man smiled back satisfied. He then turned to his fellow white men and said something. Two of them closed in on me chaining my legs and arms together. My grandmother kicked them trying to fend for me but she was an old woman, there wasn't much she could do.

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