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Vilayna's POV,

I can't believe it. I'm free... I'm actually free.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I glanced down at my very own certificate of freedom... I'm free.

I look up from the documents to meet Zander's grinning gaze as his eyes locked with mine,"You're free Vilayna,"He smiled,"You are no longer someone else's property. You are your own property now. You don't have to be dependant on me anymore.... You can be with whoever you chose to be with, on your own accord now."Zander told me and that's when I suddenly understood why he wanted me to be free.

He thought that I was using him because I needed him so I felt pressured to become his companion. Now that I had my freedom. It was entirely up to me whether I stayed by his side or turned my back on him.

He was testing my loyalty to him.

I look back down at the obtained consent from the state legislature then up at him. A small smile crept up my face as I gazed at his nervous and tense body language,"I... I chose you Zander. I chose to stay with you out of my own free will." I told him before I wrapped my hands around his neck and drew him to me.

I heard him let out a shaky breath before his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him,"Congratulations Vilayna, you're free."He whispered into my ear.

I tightened my hold on him pressing myself closer to him,"Thank you Zander,"I told him wholeheartedly remembering the very day that my freedom had been taken from me in the first place and now that I had it back, I found myself valuing it almost more than anything in the world,"Thank for everything."

Zander's love for me would always be the most valuable thing in the world, for me, because I knew that even if the law failed me, Zander's love never would.


Vilayna's POV,

"Come on we have to celebrate!"

Dressed in a stunning cocktail dress, that once belonged to Halliáh, consisting of a fitted bodice with a full skirt and a decent sweetheart neckline I allowed Zander to lead me to wherever we were going.

It was a beautiful rich emerald shade which brought out the green in my eyes with a black flock pattern and fluffy underskirt.

I felt like the belle of the ball in this dress; so graceful, elegant and light with a wide smile plastered on my face as Zander led me to a new part of the house.

He took some wine from the bar in the corner of the room before filling up two glasses of red wine,"Here." He handed me a glass of wine.

"Oh no, Zander." I told him immediately declining the glass,"I don't drink."

"Come on it'll be fun!" Zander pushed,"And we won't get drunk." He assured me turning on the juke box that started blasting slow romantic melodies through the speakers.

"Well..."I bit my lips looking up at Zander's outstretched hand with my glass of red wine,"Oh, ok!" I gave in finally.

2 hours later I was resting on top of Zander's chest, Zander's arms locked securely round my waist, laughing like idiots.

We had continuously been trying to dance together for the past 2 hours but we had failed miserably due to my lack of coordination and Zander's lack of technique.

In the end we ended up a tangle of limbs on the floor laughing like idiots. I had only had one glass of wine and that seemed to have successfully done my head in. Zander seemed fine though a bit more light hearted.

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