Say You Love Me

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Guys! Guys! Guys! U have no idea wat ur crazy author has been up to! If you look to the media u will find a song ( say u luv meh by Jesse ware) dis is actually one of my favourite songs Eva! But dat is besides the point! U see I have literally taken the lyrics of this song and tried. Note the word TRIED! To make dem fit in wit my storyline and in with Vilayna's thoughts. This is The most imaginative thing I've done so far and I think this song is perfect in every way for this chapter. So try to spot the lyrics while ur reading! Now this can go two ways.

It can either go really badly


I cud be a genius! #highly unlikely

It's all up 2 u! I'm gunna need feedback if u don't mind... If evey1 doesn't like wat I've done wit dis chapter... I can always delete dem...

K enuff rambling. Enjoy the chapter...
I've made sure to make it longer and a bit more creative to compensate for my poor performance last week ....

Christianah x

Vilayna's POV,

Every part of me wanted the kiss, my body wanted this, my heart wanted this... All that remained where a few more inches until our lips would...

...But there was still something missing and now was not the time to give in to my heart. As his eyes closed and his lips descended I turned my neck again so his kiss would land on my check.

After a moment, Zander sighed audibly, kissing my neck once before breathing in deeply like he'd ran a mile.

"Why won't you let me kiss you Vilayna, you're killing me." His voice was raspy and a bit hurt.

I shifted uncomfortably underneath him, at this proximity I could feel the warmth from his body along with every muscled, curve or dent in his body. I couldn't let myself look into those hypnotic blue eyes or I would find myself doing the horizontal tango with him; Not happening.

"Zander, please get off me, you're heavy." An absolute lie, I was just desperate to get him off me because my body was screaming for him and soon I feared my hands would move on their own accords.

Zander hesitated, his lips still inches away from my neck. I could feel his breath gently kissing my neck and sending tingles through my whole body.

"You're making me uncomfortable, Zander..."

Zander slowly raised himself so he was kneeling above me; clearly he wasn't ready to let this go.

"Why won't you let me kiss you, Vilayna?" His voice was soft, questioning; drawing me in.

Say you love me to my face,
I need it more than your embrace...

I opened my mouth to speak but found no words. There was a reason wasn't there? Zander's eyes flickered down to my open mouth before his blue eyes met mine,"Why?" He persisted.

I remained silent looking for a good answer to the question which was proving to be very hard to find.

"You are not attracted to me?"

"No!" The words were out of my mouth and into the open without my consent,"No." I repeated washing my eyes over his broad shoulders, sea blue eyes and inviting lips.

"Then why?" He moved his head down towards mine.

I looked away. Just say you want me, that's all it takes,Then back at him,"You know why!"

His face halted just above mine, his whole body was frozen for a moment; he didn't move a muscle.

The only movement I saw from him were the flashes of various emotions through his eyes as he thought very carefully.

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