Jonathan's Return

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Liam's POV,

I sat on the bed in my inn room. Brooding. Frustration was slowly driving me crazy and I felt like I was metamorphosing into an ape man. My temper was more easily inflamed these days and I was beginning to loose control of my composure and possibly sanity.

I was getting more and more desperate by the day. Blast! I, Liam Valentino was desperate and I was not liking the feeling either. The fact that I hadn't found my mistress was hanging over my head like a guillotine blade and I was dreading each day. As each day passed my security became even more uncertain and my position was even more under threat.

I fished in my pocket for my cigarette and quickly lit it, inhaling deeply. I held it for a few more seconds than needed before exhaling out again. Nothing! It did nothing for me. Anger filled me as I glared at the useless roll between my fingers.

During the day my mind was clouded with finding my son. At night my dreams were brimming with nude images of my mistress and my various infatuations with her. Many nights I had woken up needing a cold shower. This was one of those nights.

"Edwardo!" I bellowed from the edge of my bed.

Edwardo was standing before me in a matter of minutes, his messy hair and demeanour clearly showing that I had disturbed him from a much needed rest - I didn't care. If I couldn't sleep then why the hell should he?

"Boss? You called?"

"I need you to find me a woman, a prostitute, anything as long as it doesn't have balls."

Edwardo didn't need me to say anymore, this wasn't the first time I had sent him out on a task like this so late in the night. He spun on his heels immediately and was back about 10 minutes later with a blonde woman at his heels.

He stood in the doorway as she made her way over to me fluttering her eyelashes seductively as she did so."Lonely tonight?" She asked me in a seductive voice, pulling her skimpy dress a little higher to reveal more of her legs.

I looked back to Edwardo who was still waiting expectantly at the doorway. I nodded at him letting him know that I was satisfied and signalling him to leave.

My hands encircled the woman's waist pushing her into me with more force than needed. She gasped in surprise before giggling as I led her over to my bed.


"I think I'm in love with you."

The woman laid on top of me as I took drags from my cigarette blabbering on about how this had been the best night of her life.

It took me a few seconds to register what she said. I had wanted to tear her apart and used her to release all my frustration. Who knows how she managed to endure that?

Why is she still here? I have no use of her. My irritated spirit told me.

I pushed her off the top of me and sat up, ignoring her statement."How much?"I asked her fishing out some of the money from my wallet that was beginning to dissipate by the day, much to my frustration.

"Didn't you hear me?" She asked in her practiced sugar coated voice,"I think I'm in love with you!"

"That is not of my concern. You are a mere prostitute of great insignificance. Our paths will not cross again after this night." I replied her not bothering to turn to see her facial expression.

I was greeted with silence for the next few minutes to the pleasure of my suffering ear drums. When she spoke again her voice was bitter but measured,"£500"

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