I am with child

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Vilayna's POV

The door suddenly slammed open and in strode Taminah with Saraí at her heels.

"You can't just walk in..."Saraí was saying as Taminah made her way to me at the table,she carried herself with pride and she looked fierce as she walked towards me and Veronica.She was dressed in gold from head to toe and she looked stunning.

She glared at Veronica before looking at me."Stay.Away.From.Liam."She stated and over pronounced each word as if I was deaf and dumb.

"Liam?Since when did he give you permission to call him by his first name?And if I recall he is the one that needs to stay away from me."I told her looking at her as if she was stupid.

"You thought you won when you got him to throw all his mistresses out because of you but you're wrong.Look at you,you couldn't satisfy him! I will make love to him like never before! I will never let you bewitch him and take what I own away from me."She brought her face to mine in an attempt to intimidate me.

"It's not my fault that once he laid his eyes one me he realised what whores you were.For your information the only reason you are back here is because I refused to let him sleep with me."

Her eyes widened in shock as she gasped.She glared at me as she processed what I had said.She narrowed her eyes at me again,"It doesn't matter how I got back here,I will not be thrown out again because of you."She lifted her chin up in defiance,"I am with child.Nothing pleases him more than a child."She placed her hand to her stomach in pride.

I raised an eyebrow at her,"You would let him sell your child for your own benefit?"

She glared at me,"I do what I can to survive,I make sure I get the best out of every situation,it is better to have him sell my children and for me to be treated with honour than for me to suffer slaving away out there."She pointed to the crop fields."If that is what it takes for me to be comfortable then so be it."

I gawked at her shocked at how selfish she was being.What sort of a human being are you?What sort of a mother are you?I composed myself looking her in the eye,"Well then congratulations on winning a fight that I wasn't even fighting."I applauded her in mockery.

Her eyes turned to flints and she raised her chin up higher,"Just stay away from him."

She swung on her heels advancing towards the door.Her gold heel drawing attention to her as she made her way to the door.

"People these days."Veronica muttered as Taminah exited the room.
I rolled my eyes and at what just happened deciding to ignore Taminah completely.

"How are things with you and Orlando?"I asked curiously.

She smiled sheepishly at me,"He's...He's amazing as usual."
Talk about love sick.

"Cool."I smiled at her.


Liam's POV

"I'm pregnant."Mistress 1 told me.Instantly my eyes shot up from what I was doing to meet hers.

"You're what?"

"Pregnant."She repeated bringing her hand to her stomach pleased with herself.

A smile instantly spread across my face.In one swift movement I had picked her up and was spinning her around.She squealed in delight and we smiled at each other."Thats fantastic."

"Do I get a reward?"she cooed fluttering her eyelashes.

"Oh yes there is always a reward."I said catching on,leaning in to steal a kiss-

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