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Vilayna's POV,

I looked past Neyv to look at Zander's expression. His eyes were trained on the floor and his cheeks were painted with a small tint of pink. He wasn't making eye contact with me at all.

I looked back to Neyv who had a smug smile plastered on her face."Hello Neyv."I said taking the hand she had offered me."I can speak fluent English I think you'll find."

Neyv laughed,"Oh of course you can!" She replied,"How long are you planning on staying here... with my fiancé?"She used the word fiancé like a rich man would use the word money.

"Not too long. I will be taking my leave soon, I am just recovering at the moment."I told her truthfully.

"And how long will it take you to recover?" Neyv persisted clearly wanting me to get lost.

"Not long." I replied her subtly.

She regarded me subtly for a moment scanning my features from my head to my legs before she turned back to Zander whose eyes were still trained on the floor."Come, darling I must show you this new recipe mama taught me to cook! You'll love it!" With that she steered Zander out of the room with Zander not even lifting a finger in protest.

I was left in the living room alone, pondering over the last 10 minutes. So he has a fiancé? I didn't know whether to be angry, sad or upset. It was his decision not to tell me but why do I feel like I had a right to know? Still pondering over these things, I made my way upstairs to my room.

I decided to take a cold shower to help keep my mind of Zander and Neyv. I put on my underwear before pausing and meditating over what I should wear. It was at that moment that the door opened and Zander walked in.

He paused when he saw me. His eyes widened a fraction and his lips parted slightly as he looked at me throughly from the swell of my breasts to my long legs.

I quickly covered myself with a towel narrowing my eyes at him and he blushed a little."I'm sorry. I knocked a few times but you didn't open I didn't realise that you were changing..." He said awkwardly casting his gaze back downwards.

"I didn't hear your knocks or I would have answered you." I told him,"Why are you here?"

His gaze jumped back up to meet mine and I subconsciously tightened the towel around myself gripping it tightly around me.

"I wanted to know if you'd be having breakfast with us..."He asked me.

"No, Neyv seems to have missed you very much, I think I'll give you two some private time."

There was silence for a moment before his eyes fell, lowering in sadness and disappointment. "What will you eat?"

"It doesn't matter what I eat, I'm not hungry anyway."

"I would prefer it if you joined us."Zander persisted.

"No, I'd rather I stayed here."I turned away from him focusing my attention back on my clothing.

"Vilayna..." His voice was closer than before,"Did I offend you by not telling you I was engaged?"

I tried to shake my head but my head wouldn't budge,"That was your decision, I won't judge you for it."I whispered quietly.

"You're being evasive, Vilayna."

I didn't say anything to that so an awkward silence hung over us.

"Would you have treated me differently if I had told you I was engaged Vilayna?"His voice was even closer now.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed,"Besides nothing really happened, we just swam together and I watched you surf."

"I held you in my arms Vilayna and you put your arms around my shoulder, would you have let me do that knowing I had a fiancé?"

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