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Picture of liams bedroom.

Vilayna's POV

I felt soooo bad. Karolina was right behind me but it was the only way I could stop him. I acted on impulse rather than thinking things through thoroughly (did u guys notice those 5t's in a row?There was a name for it in English but I forgot perhaps alliteration? Haha authors be lyke!Anyway back to the book). I could tell that he was very angry and I was so desperate to take his attention away from Taminah.

His lips froze in shock and surprise at first but soon he was channelling all his anger and all his lust for me into this one kiss. His eyes flared up with passion and he let the whip slid out of his hand wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me toward him. He pressed his body onto mine and lifted my chin up so he could deepen the kiss.

Kinda in public here...I don't think he cared to be honest.

He scooped me up bridal style and I wrapped my hands around his neck,"Stay with me tonight."He pleaded and begged. I could see that he was drugged with lust for me and he made no attempt to conceal his yearning for me. I nodded my head silently and he immediately turned to the White House behind us.

"What about the slaves Master?"It was the overseer that I had threatened only a few days ago.

I spoke before Liam had the chance to,"Send the male slaves back to the corn field, the time they are wasting here is money, as for Raheem,"Taminah and Raheem's eyes widened in shock and surprise because I knew Raheem's name,"and Mistress 1-"

"She is not my Mistress 1 any longer." Liam said shooting Taminah a glare. I nodded to him.

"As for Raheem and Taminah, let them be for tonight, don't harm them or lay a single finger on them until Master Valentino decides what to do with them." I cast Liam one of my best smiles to convince him to agree then kissed him so he couldn't object.

He let it drop not really caring anymore and advanced towards the house. I sent the overseer a mocking smirk and he glared at me. On our way into the house I sent Karolina an apologetic look and she smiled tightly at me nodding her head in understanding. I felt really bad that it happened this way but I hoped I would be able to make it up to her soon.

Liam carried me to his room, all the while he was staring intently at me as if I was a rare and fragile antique. It unnerved me and I had to fight the urge of squirming under his gaze. His light brown eyes scrutinized my form with a great depth of curiosity.

I stared back at him intently through my grey emerald orbes trying to think of excuses not to sleep with him:

!.I am allergic to penis. Did I really just think that? I mentally face palmed myself.

2.I have a vaginal infection and it is very contagious. Too embarrasing...Besides a vaginal infection from where? YO MAMA.(JK JK lmao; Reader:No one uses those jokes anymore.Author why you so lame!! Me: *Silently wipes tears away and walks into a tree*)

Sorry about that guys I was high on skitteles and after a good long sleep,I'm back again*Puts thinking cap on*

Suddenly I had a Eureka moment. A light bulb lit up in my head and I smiled stupidly, at liam, at my new and perfect excuse. I smiled to myself as if I was a genius.

Liam dropped me onto the bed gently, kissing me intently, his hands were roaming around my body and it made me shiver. He got up to close the door but was back on top of me in a flash. He groaned as he sliped his hands under my green dress trying to feel more of what laid underneath. I let him kiss every inch of my body keeping my composure and trying my best not to flinch when his hands touched my body. I was waiting, waiting for the right moment to break the bad news to him.

He kissed my lips hungrily pushing his body onto mine. Sex starved people be like...

He used one of his hand to prop my head backwards so he could deepen the kiss, I showed no resistance as he squeezed my breasts and bottom\bum\rear-end. Finally his hands roamed to the length of my leg trailing their way up to my thigh. His hands kept travelling higher and it was at that moment I pushed him away.

He was surprised, almost looking hurt as his black eyebrows furrowed but soon his face was filled with a mixture of longing, desire and a tint of anger. He pressed his lips together in a thin line and clenched his jaw at me as if willing me to speak.

"I can't sleep with you right now..."I trailed off making sure to keep strict eye contacts with him as I said so.

"Why the hell not?" He growled irritated.

"I'm on my period..." I looked down at my palms in what would have looked like embarrassment.

His features immediately softened and he looked at me tenderly,"Since when?" He said in a calm and soothing voice.

"Since uh...now...I mean...today, this morning...."

He nodded his head in understanding, looking over my body tentatively."For how long does it usually last?" He asked curious to know when he could bed me.

My period normally lasts for 3 days, Ikr lucky ain't I? "7 days." I lied, I needed the time to think of another excuse.

"Very well." He nodded in acceptance,"For you...I will wait."He edged closer to me before pushing himself on top of me so I was laying on my back. "But for now...I will just have to settle for this..."He began to kiss every inch of my body intensely and I gripped the bed sheets to stop myself from slapping him away from me.

"What are you going to do with Taminah?"I said trying to stop him.

"Kill her." He stated calmly as if it was nothing, kissing my neck and trailing his tongue on it. I shuddered inwardly. Note to self, Take a long shower and use antibacterial.

"What!?" I pushed him off me,"You can't!"

"I can." He stated and leaned back towards me but I rolled away before he could trap me in his arms. He groaned in annoyance.

"She is carrying your child!" I exclaimed getting off the bed and standing by the side.

He rolled his eyes, "I know that,that is why I'll kill her after I've taken the child."I glared at him and he added, "Oh, and I'll kill her lover also."

"You can't!" I exclaimed.

"I can, Now come back here for goodness sake!"

I stood rooted to my spot."Goodness? Goodness? What do you know of goodness?!"

He sighed in exasperation putting his back against the beds headboard and rubbing his temple as if I was giving him a headache.

"I would never forgive you if you killed them." I told him firmly, crossing my arms across my chest.

A moment of silence went by then suddenly he stopped rubbing his temple and looked up at me grinning as if he'd just realized something."That's it!" He grinned pleased at himself.


"That's it! That's your weakness." His grin broadened,"You care about other people."

I froze. His grin just got wider and his eyes filled with power and victory as she clambered up the bed and stood before me. He propped my head up to face him with one hand whilst his other played in the brown jungle that I had for hair. "I will spare Taminah...and her lover...if you let me pleasure you." He inched closer to me,"Every.Single.Night."

My eyes dilated and I looked up through my orbes to find him grinning triumphantly at me like a hunter who had just trapped his prey. He got me.

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