Let Her Go

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Vilayna's POV,

Zander slowly opened his mouth wetting his lips,"Vilayna, I... I think... I'm..."

Zander frowned seeming unsure of what he was about to say before he looked up again at me,"I think I'm..."

Zander hesitated before he stood up from the hammerlock with his back to me. I stared at his back in confusion,"I need to go for a swim." Zander finally decided.

The words barely registered in my head before Zander (with his back turned to me) took his shirt off and then removed his trousers to reveal his swimming shorts.

All the while my mind was elsewhere and largely preoccupied by his sudden change of mood; what he said or rather what he didn't say.

I was so sure. So sure that he was going to say it and then all of a sudden he just... I don't know... Snapped...

My hands clenched into fists angrily, my thoughts drifting back to Zander as he jumped into the lake without a backwards glance at me.

I stood from the hammerlock and made my way to where his shirt and his trousers had been deposited glaring angrily at his items of clothing as if they could make things better.

My eyes shifted to the disruption in the water where Zander had divided into glaring at it also.

I stood at the edge willing Zander to come back to me and face me like a man. I glared daggers at where he'd disappeared through as I seethed with... Anger, hurt... And confusion?

Why hadn't he finished his sentence? I was very sure that he had not initially wanted to say that he needed a swim. It was something more...

He was going to say something. Something more.

I clenched my fists again in anger, Then why hadn't he?

I looked back to where Zander had disappeared once again, I would jump right in after him and ask him if I could but...

I can't swim... I just can't, I always ended up like a drowning kitten when I tried to swim.

Seething, I made my way back to the hammerlock.

Waiting. Patiently, waiting.

I didn't know exactly how long he would be gone or when he planned on coming back but what I did know was that when he did, I would be right here, ready to face him.

I fixed my orbs on the spot he had disappeared through with a determined expression. And when he came back, I told myself, he would give me all the answers I need.


Zander's POV,


It always seemed to complete me.

And break me.

It brought me sorrow and pain along with anguish.

But at times, it also brought me peace and cleared my mind.

This was one of those times.

I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell Vilayna, I really did.


I couldn't risk getting rejected by her again.

I heard what she said the last time I tried to kiss her. I closed my eyes as her image, scent and voice filled my mind.

"Zavíera is... Zavíera is..." I struggled for words until I finally settled on:"Gone..."

"Yes,"She agreed,"But. She lives on in your heart. One woman has already conquered your heart, Mr Zamorano. I do not believe you could ever truly love me as you loved her. I feel like I would just be another reminder of Zavíera to warm your heart and to comfort you. I don't want to be just another rebound. I want to be loved...."

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