Bitter - Sweet Escape

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Puff daddy - I'll be missing you

Vilayna's POV,

"Dammit Vilayna! Are you mad!? Why are you still here!"

"I'm sorry." I told Solomon as I approached his form,"I don't know... I just couldn't leave you... I wanted to know if you were really dead so I doubled back, I needed to see you... I-I can't believe you're still alive... I saw them point a pistol to your head...I-"I couldn't control the tears that were streaming down my face, I was so scared and shocked, I felt so lost and I didn't know what to do.

I looked up at Solomon who was laying on his back on the ground his hands were clutching his stomach where the blood was seeping out.

"What happened?"

"They were going to shoot me in the head, but they decided that that was too quick and painless a death for me so instead they shot me in the stomach." Solomon said bitterly.

My eyes filled to the brim with tears,"Oh they are so wicked."

Solomon nodded trying not to move his torso too much,"Vilayna... " He called to me meeting my eyes,"I'm dying..."

"No! No! You're not!" I immediately began to rip the fabric of my clothing; a loose fitting blue dress, and pressed it to the wound with my palms facing downwards,"No! You can't die! You can't!"

Solomon attempted to laugh but was stopped by the pain he help in his stomach, his hands covered mine over the fabric as he looked up at me through his dark orbes,"Death has never been optional, Vilayna." He looked up at me sadly and tenderly,"If that were the case most people would still be alive today and I-I would make sure to cling to your side for the rest of my life."

"Please, please stop talking like that, you're going to live ok? You're going to live!" I applied more pressure to the wound desperately trying to stop the blood loss, tears were streaming down my eyes as I did so.

Solomon shook his head,"Vilayna, I'm dying."

"No!" I shook my head stubbornly, "You're not!"

"Vilayna...I'm bleeding to death... Do you realise how excruciatingly painful this is for me?" he reasoned with sad, defeated and pained eyes,"The least you could do for me right now is accept it."

I was silent. I didn't want to accept it but I knew I had to... for Solomon. Slowly and silently I nodded at him still not controlling the silent tears that were leaking from my eyes.

"Vilayna, look at me." Solomon urged.

"I am looking at you."

"You're looking at my mouth."

"It's a good mouth, I should have paid more attention to it in the past." I said trying to avoid meeting his gaze.

Solomon had to stifle another laugh, breathing in deeply and trying to get comfortable,"I would touch you but I wouldn't want your perfect face to be ruined with my blood."

I took one of his hands from on top of mine and brought it to my face,"I don't care."

His thumb rubbed my cheek before he lifted my head to meet his gaze," I want to ask of you a favour."

I met his gaze intently and he continued,"In the bin linen on the right side of my horse there is a knife, I want to you to take it and slit my throat with it."

"What?! No! Solomon, I can't do that you know I can't!"

"Vilayna, I am in an antagonising amount of pain right now, I just want it to end, please do me this favour and give me the quick death that I yearn for." he tried to persuade me.

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