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Vilayna's POV,

I remained motionless; frozen to the core and unmoving.


Words fled from me and hid in the darkest corners of the universe.




It was a question that I couldn't quite figure out myself. My mind replayed the evenings previous events.

I was in Zander's arms... I felt his warm lips on mine. I brought my hand up to my swollen lips confirming that I had kissed him.


Zander Zamorano Hernández.

I... I...


I was in his arms ... And then the next minute... He was asking me to stay with him. Begging me to stay; not to go.

But I couldn't stay... I didn't trust his motives. I couldn't trust anyone's motives anymore.

Not after Takunda.

Not after my parents.

No not ever.

I wrap my arms around myself protectively.

But Zander is different, a voice reasoned with me, Zander would never-


Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

I can't!

'You can.' It was Zander's voice again, earnestly urging and persuading me to believe him; to trust him; to let it go.

I close my eyes trying to sort out my thoughts.

'I would never betray you... Never.'

"Oh Zander, if only I wasn't so messed up, then maybe we could be together."

"We can be together."

My eyes snapped open and my senses were filled with Zander's prescience.

"There is nothing messed up about you. You are just broken, just as I am... We can fix each other; make each other whole. Make each other stronger, better."

He took a step closer to me.

"Do you trust me Vilayna? Do you believe that I could betray?"

He was so close to me now; too close to me. I looked away from him terrified of what was to come.

"I'm scared Zander. I'm very scared. If someone was to hurt me that way again... I don't know what I would do. I don't know... I-"

"You're not alone. You don't want to be betrayed and I don't want to lose you. We're both scared."

I felt the warm carcass of Zander's hand as he took mine,"Look at me Vilayna."

I couldn't look at him. I was too afraid of what I would find in those electric blue eyes.

"Come on, Vilayna, look at me."

I didn't. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

"As pretty as the top of your head is, I'd much rather meet you face to face rather than head on."

That got a laugh out if me. However, being the stubborn girl that I am, I refused to comply. So Zander in all his wisdom decided to use his hand to lift my head up so that I had no other choice but to gaze into his warm cerulean crystal clear eyes.

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