Zuris Mistress

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Vilayna dress and accessories and hair.

2 days later.

Zuris POV

I watched from the top of the stairs as Vilayna entered my palace with her mum beside her.

Her mother beamed at my father as she took his arm while Vilayna just stood there looking extremely bored. I smiled to myself.

I'm sure I can fix that.

Dressed in an emerald dress with silver high heels and matching earrings. She looked stunning; bored but stunning! Most women would have looked around the palace in wonder and amazement because my fathers palace was unbearably beautiful. I couldn't be more proud of it myself.

Gold chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Expensive pictures on the walls. Gold statues and decorations lying about. You name it!

I made my way down the stairs to meet her. Greeting her mother I turned my attention to Vilayna who looked at me as if I was an insect that she wanted so badly to squish.

I greeted her and she naturally bobbed to greet me back; still looking at me with bitter disgust.

"Please come with me." I told her rather than asked. She glared at me icily and took the arm I offered her before leading her away from the others.

You know the thing about this girl is she is just so composed and she's so good at hiding her feelings that the only thing giving you a snippet of what was running through her head were her eyes. She always expressed herself through her eyes. And trust me I know because I've grown up with her. She doesn't say much verbally but you can always tell what she's feeling by looking into her eyes. Unfortunately for me I only seemed to be reading the same emotion every time I looked in her eyes; Hatred. Pure and deep hatred. Nothing more and nothing less, that's all I ever got from her. I sighed inwardly, I don't care if she hates me, she's going to be my wife whether she likes it or not.


Vilaynas POV

My mood seemed to be getting worse and worse the further Zuri led me away from my mother and the king.

Where the hell is this asshole taking me!

He finally stopped at a corner and turned to face me.

"God was in a good mood when he made you."Prince zuri smirked as he cornered me.

"So what mood was he in when he made you then?"He was thrown for a second but recovered his arrogant personality.

"Obviously, he was in high spirits, you see he blessed me with riches and the most beautiful girl in the kingdom to marry, everything has been handed to me on a plate since my birth."

"It's a shame they didn't put some mints on that plate too..."

He grew hot and angry. "If you are to be my wife you must start showing me some respect!"

"Oh get lost! We're not married yet so don't start listing the rules."I pushed him aside and walked off.

How am I supposed to live with that guy when I can't even last ten minutes with him?

He grabbed my arm narrowing his eyes."Don't walk away from me."he growled.

"I believe I just did."I shot back defiantly. He suddenly tightened his grip around my arm, pushing me back to the corner and pinning my hands to the the wall behind me before leaning closer to my ears to whisper.

"You know...I was having a little...lets say fun...with one of your maids and you know what she's fantastic in bed but you know the best part is she's also very talkative in bed..."

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