"Ready to what sorry?" I asked in horror, hoping I had heard her wrong.

"Dance! Now hurry up, get to the floor, you're late" She said before walking away.

I looked up at Cedric who looked down at me.

"Cedric, I-I can't dance"

"I know you can't dance but we can just sway around alright? Don't worry about it too much" He said.

I had never wanted to hit someone more.

"Don't look at me like that, it's scary" He said, not making eye contact with me.

"Good, now you'll know to tell me beforehand, I'm going to make a fool of myself out there!"

"You won't, let's go" He said. Our arms were still linked together, he stood at the entrance.

I turned around to see Hermione and Viktor standing behind me. Our eyes widened when we saw each other.

"You look-" We said at the same time but were cut off when the band started to play a classical waltz piece.

I tried to keep step with Cedric as we walked on to stage. Once we reached the middle, he turned me around and put his hands on my waist.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I whispered.

"Put your hands on my shoulders silly" I followed what he said.

"Now, we move"

He moved to the right and I moved with him, he tried to keep it simple but I was too nervous to follow. After some time though, I started getting used to it as the steps repeated.

"There, see?" He laughed.

"I'm going to kill you"

"No you're not"

Fortunately, everyone else had now joined in and were dancing too, the attention was finally off of me.

After the first dance was over, I excused myself from Cedric to get a drink. He walked away to dance with Cho Chang, a girl from Ravenclaw.

On the way, I met Ginny and Amelie who looked absolutely lovely in their dresses. The three of us grabbed some lemonade from a table and walked back to the crowd. I drank the whole of the drink in a couple of gulps, feeling quite thirsty.

"I'm going to get back to uh..Dean" Amelie said before walking away. Something was off with her, I just couldn't tell what.

"Yea Neville must be looking for me too" Ginny said, following Amelie.

I stood alone near a corner, looking for Cedric or Hermione but they were nowhere to be seen.

I saw Draco standing on the other end of the hall so I decided to walk up to him.

"Do you want to dance with me Malfoy?"

He looked at me as if I had just asked him to take his clothes off.

"With you?"

I nodded impatiently.

"Alright then" He groaned walking towards me, placing his hands on my waist. Surprisingly, Draco was a decent dancer, it was easy to dance with him.

"Why did you want to dance with me?" He asked.

"Because you're my cousin"

"But you hate me"

"You hate me too, so we're even" I shrugged.

He nodded curtly, as if it made perfect sense.

After one dance, I said goodbye to him and walked back into the crowd.

Before you (Fred Weasley)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon