A/N, and an important one too.

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Haha, don't worry this isn't that last chapter. We got some more floof within the next few chapters. I tried to make this as realistic as possible comparing the confrontations of people I know, myself, and people I read about. With that  out of the way, let me clear up some possible confusion.

1. Shadow Weaver isn't a drunk. She knows exactly what she is doing and saying every second of everyday. She uses those things as "motivation to do better" and a means of getting what she wants

2. She does this to gain power and approval. I don't know if I discussed this well enough, but she doesn't car about Adora or Catra. She only cares about how people will see her when they find out she raised queer children. She is involved in school and town activities in order to boost her image and gain status in the new town, at whatever cost.

That's really it. I wanted to represent reality and these circumstances as well as possible, and I'm sorry that I didn't do a better job tbh. I just want you to all know that this is real, this does happen, it's not weird. People like Catra in this story exist, and it seems easy to walk away from this kind of stuff, but it's not. It is the hardest situation to get yourself out of, and you can rarely do it without help. Always offer help to people, and make sure they know you are there for them. You don't have to pry, but it means the world to kids that have gone through this to know they have at least one person, out of the 7 billion people in the world, in their corner.

Anyway, stay safe and healthy.


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