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Oh, spring, how I've missed you greatly. 

With January coming to a sudden and happy end, February brought us another wondrous time of celebration. It was filled with balloons, sparkle, flowers, and treats. But, with the presence of our beloved March, comes the moment for new beginnings. After all, that is what the start of a fresh season is intended to bring upon a city. New chances, new adventures, new beginnings. New York while always beautiful and magical in its own way, is radiant and untouchable in the Spring. With flowers in full bloom, everything seems bigger and brighter. The people appear a little bit more cordial and cheerful, taking the second to smell the roses and actually enjoy their cup of coffee in the  mornings. That's what I love about this season. I love that the sun is actually sticking around for good as it touches my skin, warming me up from the inside and out. I love taking a short walk in the park, ignoring the background noise if only for a brief minute.

 I love taking a short walk in the park, ignoring the background noise if only for a brief minute

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Work, has been a bit dry and hectic if I'm being honest

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Work, has been a bit dry and hectic if I'm being honest. New producers from all sorts have been added on to our project. And while a bit inexperienced, that's not a concern as I've taken on most of the responsibilities, providing little room to enjoy a particular person back at home. From the appearance, he doesn't seem to mind that much as he fills his days with music, meditation, and friends. If we're lucky, we grab a quick bite to eat, talking about this and that, trying to avoid the obvious distance that has grown between us. He's quieter, avoiding my gaze whenever we speak, not taking the effort to touch me when I need it the most. He seems like a world away, lost in thought and internal commotion while I struggle to breakthrough the ice that's been left behind from the winter. Sometimes though, when he doesn't try to put on a face, I'll see it. The warm smile that I love and adore, creasing underneath his eyes, providing sight of a prominent and childish dimple within his cheeks. He'll get lost in the moment, flushing like a true peach, allowing himself to indulge in our undeniable, yet bittersweet happiness.

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