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Three entire weeks have passed since our wonderfully enjoyed time in Tuscany. We returned back to the cold reality that New York City had to offer. And with the cold, came with the grey clouds, and the dreadful rain. However, I've always been one to secretly enjoy a rainy day in all its glory. For there's nothing more relaxing than a rainy autumn afternoon as I cook a tasty meal in my quaint kitchen. The smell of spices and the taste of cheese and wine on my lips, it's purely perfect. I look forward to that as my current day continues, holding no true promises of glory. I'm not the happiest person to deal with as I remain seated in my chair at the small coffee shop, sipping on my espresso, listening to whatever fruitful ideas are roaming around in the air.

Around the table consists of Grace, Ben, a few other writers, and our producer who is generously providing the necessary funds for this upcoming movie, along with plentiful amounts of ideas. He goes by the name of Anthony Mair, a man who has made quite the career in Hollywood over the past three decades. He's known to be an absolute perfectionist, seeking the best of the best and wanting all scenes and moments on film to be golden. Unfortunately, he's also known for his temper and past behaviors as many assistants have been recorded running out of his office in tears and turmoil. He's not an easy man to please, that's for sure. But, when word got out that we were seeking an experienced producer, he was one of the first to step up to the plate, offering wisdom and money. We accepted, not truly realizing that this meant Mr. Mair thought himself to be the man in charge.

Normally, I'm not the type of person to fight or argue for times of power, yet this is supposed to be my heart and soul poured into a project. I only wish to have some say in the matter. My eyes fixate on the happy people strolling through the busy streets of New York, not caring for a single moment about the rain drizzling down upon them. They welcome it with open arms, stopping for a kiss from their significant other, hoping to remember such an afternoon. The silence at the table informs me that I've focused my attention elsewhere, gaining the irritation of Mr. Mair. He situates his designer glasses to the brim of his nose, arching a brow, looking at me like I'm nothing more than a ill behaved child.

"Boring you, am I?" he asks. "Forgive me, I get too excited during the start of production and I go off into a rant."

"No, it's not that at all. Your ideas are wonderful, exactly what we paid for."

Grace kicks me from underneath the table, clearing her throat while giving me a cautious look of concern. I don't bother to listen, knowing of people in the industry like Mr. Mair. They seek attention and they wish to attain control, no matter the costs. And if I didn't need his help, I'd kindly ask him to leave us be as we don't require nor want his assistance. Unfortunately, in such times, that is not the case, so I keep my mouth sealed shut, listening in on more suggestions about changing the written script.

"Now, the two main characters are separated by times of war. I think when they're reunited, it should be epic. Why spare any details?" he asks, chuckling, earning a few false ones in return.

This angers me as many directors and producers in Hollywood think one needs scenes filled with nudity and sex on the big screen. I completely disagree, wanting certain moments to be left to the audience's imagination. After all, why share such private bliss with the world? Some things should be left behind closed doors as not all films should contain heated seduction to draw a crowd. I set my cup to the side, wanting to calm down, knowing that may not be possible.

"Mr. Mair, with all due respect, I believe the romantic aspect of the film is based on the special moments that are created between the two main characters. When he kisses her cheek, but allows his hand to remain underneath her waist, that insinuates what the next scene will contain. She slips into bed late at night, tracing his skin, causing him to wake up is the perfect way to end the scene. We don't need to showcase all the details."

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