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The morning slips into the afternoon. I'm pretty sure I'm not the best company to keep as Alfonzo listens to me ramble on and on into quite the rant until I feel at ease. We share a small and quick lunch through the park that consists of more coffee and cheesy pretzels. Anything I guess to help mend the pain and heal the wounds. We're not granted much privacy as fans from all over come up every once in a while for some deserved time. I don't mind at all, appreciating their kindness and devotion over the amount of years. And as we take a seat in our favorite spot in the entire park, I lean back in the wooden bench, witnessing such a sight before me. All the colors are heightened and on full display. Red, orange, yellow are the three most perfectly created individuals that blend so beautifully together in such a partnership. It's art that deserves all the attention.

"You should call him," Alfonzo says after a while, breaking the silence

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"You should call him," Alfonzo says after a while, breaking the silence.

"I know I should, but I can't."

"Don't be stubborn now."

"You're supposed to be on my side, remember?"

"There are no sides in love."

"Is that the key to a successful marriage between you and Wendy?"

"Of course it is, I just go along with everything she says. She's the queen and the queen is always right."

"You're a sweetheart Alfonzo, you know that? Quite a softy."

"Layla James, shut up before I throw you into that pond over there."

I admire the many views from afar, finding comfort and solace in the freshly crisp air. I try not to think about the way he looked at me, back in the car. He was so upset, so angry. That anger was directed towards me because I overstep. I allowed myself to fall into an unwanted trap, triggering a series of pure chaos that overwhelmed all those around. I know deep down, he's absolutely correct. There's nothing I could have done differently. I should have allowed him to handle and mend the situation because it was after all, his interview. I walked into a fight that wasn't mine to resolve, despite the fact that I will never regret the genuine words that came out of my lips.

As the afternoon continues on, I allow my fingers to reach for my phone that rests in my coat pocket. I unlock it, wishing for nothing more than his presence. I want to apologize, hoping to put such a dreadful morning behind us so we can carry on into a brighter future. I truly don't want to end the night alone, in a fit of stained tears. Yet, as I tempt and taunt myself with further possibilities, I decide to call him, putting an end to this misery. However, I don't have the opportunity because the very moment I hit that single button, I hear the opposing ring of an incoming call. I turn in my seat, witnessing the man that holds my heart approaching me slowly with a small smile. I'm flabbergasted, shaking my head as I stand, finding the strength to decrease the hated distance between us. He feels so near, but so far at the same time.

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