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"Remind me again, why I ever agreed to this?" I ask, struggling to catch my breath as I slowly follow behind him as he effortlessly jogs up the mighty hill.

"Because, it's my duty to show you this view," he says casually, looking over his shoulder to make sure I'm near and safe.

"Harry, I'm a city girl. I don't have a single athletic bone in my body. I may just faint and then what?"

"Then I'll come back for you whenever you wake."

"You're awful!" I exclaim, finding the motivation to chase after him in a sprint as he dodges me completely, laughing gleefully as I throw daggers his direction. We bicker back and forth for a few more minutes until I'm utterly speechless, finding the will to stand as I witness the heavenly skyline from above. "This is incredible," I say quietly.

"Told you. Has its benefits to listen to me, little darling."

He hands me a bottle of water from his backpack as we enjoy some time in the cool and refreshing air. We're granted this land for ourselves as it's far too early for others to join. I'm sure it won't be long before many more come to celebrate this victorious sight. I capture a few photos on my phone, turning to see a different view before my eyes. He's simple, but dashing as ever in grey jogger shorts and an oversized black hoodie. A bright yellow snapback remains on his head to hide his prominent curls as he dangles his sunglasses from his mouth, taking a picture as well.

His bashful eyes land on me as he shyly shakes his head. "Don't look at me like that," he murmurs.

"Like what?"

"Like you want to start something you can't finish."

"You're too naughty Harry Styles," I answer, giving him a roll of my eyes, attempting to walk off in a fit.

He takes hold of my hand, pulling me close to his chest as he breaths me in fully and delightfully. "Thank you for joining me today," he whispers.

"Thank you for showing me." He begins to admit a revelation that I don't honestly have the strength to listen as I flash a clever smile, pulling away from his grip and running back down the hill. "Last one has to walk home!" I challenge, hearing him instantly behind me with a full on rage.

"Shit, Layla...this isn't fair!"

We struggle along the tiresome journey, yet we never falter until we reach his parked car in the far corner. I nearly fall to my knees, yet it appears Harry very well may do the very same as he trips, catching himself in the process.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He looks around, confused and flabbergasted as we both lay eyes on the culprit. Underneath the tire, hides a shivering and whimpering pup. It's frightened and afraid as we both near it slowly, whispering that no harm will follow.

"There, there little one. We won't hurt you. Even though you did almost try to kill me, but I'll look past that."

"There's nobody here for miles. How did it get here?"

Harry shrugs, sighing as the chocolate brown pup begins to warm up to us by taking a single step forward. "Not uncommon. I've seen it happen once before."

"What did you do?"

"Jeff found the owner, don't know how though."

The small lab with ocean blue eyes approaches timidly, allowing me to gently pet his head as it relaxes and warms up to our presence. "There's no collar. Think we can try to find its owner?"

"Doubtful. Better if we just took it to the shelter near my place."

"Is that...safe? They're not going to harm it, are they?"

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