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She's absolutely golden, running through the lavender field with a perfectly created flower crown resting on her head. She smiles a smile that I've known and loved for so long. That smile deserves to be seen by the entire world. She beckons me to follow suit, cheering and giggling once I lift her up in my arms, throwing her lightly up in the sky so she can fly.

I jolt up, attempting to catch my breath as a miserable line of cold sweat forms on my temple. My entire body is trembling with fear as I haven't had such a nightmare in ages. It's been so long, I've come such a great way since my past. Why is this happening now? I've startled Sugar as she begins to lick my hand, wanting to provide some comfort as the other side of the bed is completely empty. It's been this way for ten days now unfortunately. With less than a week standing between us and Christmas Day, the famous musician has been busily occupied with recording sessions, most which require him to travel across the country to sunny California. Of course I don't mind, wanting for nothing more than for his creativity to shine through and through. However, I would be a little less uneasy if a certain woman who goes by the name of Belinda Sky didn't follow as well in his recent travels.

I haven't heard from him in days. A few messages here and there as he's just as busy as I am. We spend late hours doing what we do best, leaving little time for us to hear the other's voice. It saddens me, just how easily we can fall out of habit and routine. Just how easily we can continue to live on without the other. If this is truly living, I suppose. I attempt to go back to sleep, failing horribly as I decide to occupy my mind and time with a cup of chamomile tea to stop the pain that's currently radiating through my stomach. Another side effect of hormonal imbalance and the medications I take to lessen the discomfort. I walk forward into the dark kitchen, hearing Sugar behind me as she jumps onto the sofa, creating a new spot for desired slumber. I boil a kettle of water, munching on bits of dark chocolate from the fridge. Yet, with my back turned and the hot flashes that seem to consume me, I'm frightened by the presence of another. Anne begins to apologize, resting her hand on my shoulder as she gives me a smile filled with unbeatable kindness.

"Layla dear, forgive me. I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, I'm so sorry if I woke you. I couldn't sleep and..."

"Darling, you didn't wake me. The time difference will take a few days to get adjusted to, it's not a problem at all."

A woman that I'm impeccably grateful to have in my life stands next to me, resting the back of her hand against my temple as she frowns. She arrived to the city yesterday evening, wanting to spend the holidays with us after it wasn't possible for us to part ways with the country this year. Gemma and Mikhal will be joining us closer to Christmas and I'm extremely excited to be reunited with everyone again as nothing gives me more joy than a filled home with loved ones.

"You're really warm, are you alright?" she asks curiously, insisting that I take a seat while she finishes making the tea.

"It's not a big deal. I get like this occasionally. I'm fine, really. Don't worry about me, please."

"You look really pale Layla, let me make you some soup. Go and lay on the sofa, stay comfortable while I whip up something together."

"Anne, please you don't have to go through all this trouble for me."

As a sharp cramp runs through my system, my knees buckle as it renders me practically numb. Anne holds me tightly in her arms, guiding me towards the couch as I'm placed softly on my back onto a couple of gracious pillows. She furrows her brows, pacing back and forth as she settles a number of blankets over my trembling body.

"Do you want to go see a doctor Layla? Tell me what you need sweetheart."

"My medication is in the bedside table, if you don't mind..."

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