Part 2, Chapter 21. The Violet Tower, part 2.

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Kyla groans. "You could have given him a fighting chance!"

"Do you want to have your match today or not?! Blare snaps back.

Kyla gives a thumbs up.

"Jolteon, Quick Attack, Thunder Fang, Thunder!" Blare orders.

Falkner does not have time to speak, as Jolteon bolts across the field, bites down and pins Pelipper, and then unleashes a massive Thunder attack. Pelipper screams in pain before going limp.

"Done!" Blare says, recalling Jolteon.

Falkner blinks a few times, with wide eyes. "Uh.."

Blare skips to the middle of the field and waits.

Falkner recalls Pelipper and slowly joins her. "Are you.. one of the teachers?!"

Blare shakes her head. "I only helped part-time. Kyla actually trained me personally."

Falkner hands her a Zephyr Badge. "Then I am very much looking forward to my next match."

Blare takes the badge, with a wink. "Have fun!" She sings before returning to the sideline.

Kyla walks slowly to her side of the field. "Ready when you are."

Falkner quickly returns to his side and fiddles with his Pokeball. "I guess I have to go all out with you."

Kyla smiles, putting a hand on her hip. "I would leave you a bad review if you didn't."

David chuckles as he shouts. "Begin!"

They both throw their Pokeballs. Out pops Pidgeot and Chaz.

Chaz yawn wide, spitting out a small ember. 

Pidgeot glares back at him.

Falkner raises a marble on a neckless. "Let's go, Mega Evaluation!"

A swirling gust of wind surrounds Pidgeot as he glows and grows into Mega Pidgeot.

Kyla nods to Chaz, who nods back. "Let's go, Mega Evaluation!" Kyla shouts as she raises her glove into the air. 

The band, on her glove, glows bright red. With a gust of swirling wind and embers, Chaz emerges as Mega Charizard Y. 

Chaz smiles, as he blows out a Smokescreen.

"Gust." Falkner orders.

Mega Pidgeot claps his wings once, blowing the Smokescreen away with ease. Upon dispersing the Smokescreen, Chaz is nowhere to be seen, until he appears behind Mega Pidgeot. He takes a swing with Dragon Claw, but Mega Pidgeot dodges and hits him in the eyes with Sand Attack. Chaz roars in pain and frustration. Mega Pidgeot has enough time to gain distance on Chaz while he attempts to regain his sight.

"Pidgeot, Wing Attack!" Falkner orders.

Kyla accesses the situation quickly, as Mega Pidgeot prepares his attack. And as Pidgeot begins to dive into his attack, towards Chaz, Kyla shouts to Chaz. "Block, 3 o'clock, 45 degrees!"

Chaz turns quickly and his claws meet Mega Pidgeot's wings. Chaz opens his mouth and blasts a Flamethrower into Mega Pidgeot's face.

"Mirror Move!" Falkner orders.

Mega Pidgeot opens his mouth and emits a Flamethrower back. The result of the two Flamethrowers throws the two Pokemon apart. Chaz slides to a stop, just short of Kyla. Whereas Mega Pidgeot hovers above the field. 

Clare and the other three students begin to move back.

"This is getting intense!" Josh says, moving Clare and Deanna behind him.

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