16| the core four

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I WAS AWOKEN by the current pounding in my head, instantly making me groan in annoyance

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I WAS AWOKEN by the current pounding in my head, instantly making me groan in annoyance. I opened my eyes slightly only to see my reflection that sat on the floor length mirror opposite my bed. Once I saw my current appearance this dreadful morning, I groaned once again.

What the fuck happened last night?

Don't get me wrong, I like a drink. Usually at parties I have a few of beers, maybe a couple of shots if Evie can convince me, but I never go overboard.

As I think back to last night, I recall the conversation that I had with Evie as we were getting ready for the party.

*flash back*

"Evie, sweetie, why do I look like a fucking stripper?" I asked Evie as I took a glance in the mirror at the outfit she made me try on.

Cat woman. Huh.

"Don't be so silly! Strippers wear way less clothing than that!" She expressed to me, raising her thick eyebrows at me whilst her eyes widen.

I rolled my eyes at her as I muttered 'yeah because that makes me feel better'.

"Oh come one! Alex, you look sexy as fuck! I'm telling you now babes, if I wasn't straight, I'd so fuck you," she said so casually with a shrug of her shoulders as if it was a normal conversation. "Like, my best friend's hot! Go best friend!" She cheered around her room with a wide smile gracing her pink tinted lips.

"Stop Evie, you're making me blush!" I sarcastically told her as I fanned myself. We were both giggling loudly until she turned to me with a serious expression.

"What?" I asked her slowly, not knowing what was to come of our next conversation.

"We need to talk about your 'boyfriend'". She told me with an excited yet serious expression on her face.

"Wha-what about him?" I stuttered over my words as I learned that the topic of our next conversation was about Sebastian Kingsley.

"I'm just going to come right out and say it okay? Quick like a cat, no wait- is it a cheetah? Oh for fucks sake, I've never been good at these sayings, I-" I cut Evie off from her rambling and got her to say what she wanted.

"I think Sebastian might like you." She told me quietly, a small smile begging to be shown on her pale face.

"I mean I don't think I'd use the word 'like' for our relationship, but I guess a 'mutual bond' seems more fitting."
I suggested to Evie with a small laugh as I thought about the situation between Sebastian and I.

"No, Alex. I mean, I think he had feelings for you." She once again told me, more adamant to get her point across.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure Sebastian has a lot of feelings for me! First of all, our mutual dislike, aha that's feeling number one. Feeling number two is most probably annoyance becau-" I was cut off from my speech as Evie practically yelled in my face.

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