02| kings and queens

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This chapter is dedicated to bippyboppyboopy who recently started reading my book and has sent me lovely and supportive messages! Thank you so much!

This chapter is dedicated to bippyboppyboopy who recently started reading my book and has sent me lovely and supportive messages! Thank you so much!

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"MISS BLACK?" "Miss Black are you listening to me?" I heard something grumbling next to my desk.

My desk? Wh-?

I didn't have time to think about my surrounding before I was being kicked in the back of my chair. I whipped my head up off the desk and around to see my attacker.

Sebastian fucking Kingsley.

"What the fuck was that for?" I all but yelled at him, momentarily forgetting where I was. Oh shit. I'm in school. And I just yelled and swore during a lesson. Well fuck.

"Miss Black! First you fall asleep during my class, and then you cuss at a student who was trying to get educated!" Mr Williams practically screamed at me.

"In my defence, sir, Sebastian here kicked my chair which woke me up from my power nap" I remarked back at him, pouting slightly because I was still tired.

"Which brings me back to my point Miss Black! You fell asleep during my class, the first lesson of the day, on the first day of your senior year!" Mr Williams shouted back at me.

"Look, Paul, I just didn't get a great sleep last night and you've got to admit, your class isn't exactly thrilling". I couldn't help it. It just slipped out before I could process what I was saying. Well shits about to hit the fan.

"How dare you call your teacher by their first name! I am your superior, therefore you will call me by Mr Williams!" I could see the vein popping out of his head from one of the back rows. Christ, he looks like Monica Geller on thanksgiving when everyone is late.

"Superior? We live in a society where we're supposed to treat everybody as equals and -" I was very rudely cut off when Md Williams started screaming at me once again. What's fucking new there.

"Get out of my classroom! And take your bullshit excuses with you!" I stood up, picking my books getting ready to storm out but faltered slightly when I heard him swear at a student. My mouth gaped open along with the rest of the class.

I continued to storm out of the class when I muttered asshole under my breath when I was passing his desk, I was ready to open the door and escape quickly before he heard me but I was too late apparently.

"I heard that Miss Black!"

I turned around to look at his popping vein and stifled a giggle that was bubbling out of me.

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