05| tone it down a bit, jesus fuck!

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Trigger warning: slight mention of abuse and assault so if you're in anyway sensitive to this topic please skip that part. I will put *** before and after as a warning.

WELL THE DREADFUL day has finally come upon us

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WELL THE DREADFUL day has finally come upon us. I can't believe I have to pretend to be Sebastian Kingsley's girlfriend for a month.

Or maybe more if his goes to plan. Shit I never thought of this.

With that thought running through my mind, I picked up my phone hastily and began scrolling thoroughly through my phone until I got to the contact I needed. After the third ring he finally picked up.

"Wow that eager to speak to me huh?" I heard his sickening, cocky voice ring through my phone.

"Shut the fuck up and listen Kingsley" I snapped at him, having no time for his bitch ass comments right now.

"Well then, aren't you feisty in the morning?" He chuckled at me.

"When are we supposedly to break up? Your genius plan has one flaw. Actually it has multiple but that's beside the point. After this month is over, what happens then? Are you supposed to go back to your glamorous life of being a fuckboy or are we meant to be together forever or whatever the fuck happens in fairytales these days?" I asked him quickly, wanting this conversation to end as soon as possible.

He was silent for a few seconds before stuttering out a response.

"Huh. Well I didn't think of that" he replied dumbfounded.

"That's your answer? You don't know? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah no, you know what? He deals off, I'm done with this bullshit Sebastian" I snapped at him angrily, fed up of him not having an answer.

"Wait! No-no um, look I'll figure something out ok? We could say that we had to break up because we thought we worked better as friends than a couple. Yeah that sounds believable" he said, sounding proud of himself for thinking of an answer so quickly.

"Fine. One month. Us dating. Doin the whole in love shit people talk about so often. Oh and one more thing to add to the contract. We stay loyal to each other. And before you say anything about how it's all fake, I don't give a flying fuck that you don't give a rats ass about me, but I will not be humiliated behind my back that you've been sneaking off with some whore, deal?" I told him, leaving no negotiation in the matter.

"Fine, deal. I'll stay loyal if you stay loyal. And by the way Black, your one of my best friends ok? Sometimes I do give a rays ass about you. I'll see you at the gates, bye Black" he mimicked what I said as he hung u the phone, leaving me speechless at what he said. He think he's so charming doesn't he?

With that thought crossing my mind, I leaped our if bed to the bathroom and did my morning routine, before crossing over to my closet and picking out my outfit for the day.

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