Prologue| Dragons and more Dragons!

Start from the beginning

'He must've gotten the clip from before' I deduced as I ran towards a table I could use as cover. However I was too late a loud bang was heard. All I felt was pain, I fell down on my knees looking at my chest. There was a small hole there with blood coming out. I looked towards the pistol I had slapped away and saw my work partner smirking.

'Asshole' I thought as I pulled as hard as I could while falling down. The rope connected to the bucket was pulled making the bucket from before hit the criminal on the back of the head. The last thing I heard were sirens and the police entering and arresting my partner at work and his partner. 

Flashback End!

Now here I am bleeding out, dying from a bullet to the heart. 'Damn, I didn't even get to make my Fate marathon.' I thought as I remembered one of my favorite games. 'Heh, I am never gonna receive that replica I bought online' I grimaced as I closed my eyes. 'I'll never get to re-watch the Sherlock movies or series. Damn' I thought as I my mind started slightly blurring.

'Never gonna read that last chapter of Harry Potter I left out' I thought as felt my conciseness waver. 'I'll never get to cosplay as merlin from fate like I wanted.' I remembered as I sighed. 'Man I had the costume and everything' I thought.

'Ahh, life sucks. If only it were like a game.' I thought remembering a certain manhwa I used to read. 'Then I could learn magic, I could do so many cool things, like that manga' I thought as everything went black. That was when I heard a robotic voice

"Wishes have been heard. Wishes are being granted." The robotic voice said inside my head.

"System installation: 10% complete. Installing system and titles. " It said as a small green bar appeared in my head as it slowly loaded. 

"System installation: 30% complete. Adding specified item to inventory!" It loaded so slowly. 'What is happening?' I asked myself as I watched the loading screen in my head.

"System installation: 50% complete. Adding previous live learnt skills!" I had no idea how much time it loaded for. I just know it was a long long time. So long I stopped caring.

"System installation: 70% complete. Installing race and bloodline" It continued, the bar moved from one side to the other in my head.

"System installation: Complete!" The bar disappeared and a white screen appeared in my head.

[Hello GAMER! Will you start a new life?]

Soon the screen flickered and another screen popped up in-front of the previous one.


'Is this even debatable?' I asked as I watched the button in my head. 'Either I press the sketchy button or I die forever' I thought as I tried reaching for the button without much success. 'Right, I'm already dead' I remembered.

I tried to mentally press the button however nothing happened. 'Hmmm, this works in most fanfics I read' I thought as tried thinking of an answer.

'Yes?' I thought as screens popped at the same time.

[Bending reality to Convert item #00001 into reality]

[Adapting user's race and bloodline for wish and item utilisation]

[Stats changed accordingly to race and bloodline]

[Alterations made]

'Wow, too many popups at the same time!' I thought as I read the screens one by one. 'Neat' I thought as a new screen popped up. 

Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry Potter x GAMER male reader) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now