Week 6

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Ashton (his pov)

I struggled to keep eye contact with Mandy's father as he made small talk with me. I couldn't help watching Mandy as she danced around the kitchen getting things out of the cabinets her mom needed to cook. There was something about her these days. She seemed happier, enjoying life as she was growing one. I loved looking at her and knowing something big about her no one else in the room knew. Our amazing, special little secret. "Ash, where's my purse?" Mandy suddenly asked walking towards me. "Over here," I said pointing to it on the other side of my chair. We both reached for it, causing me to knock over my beer and spill it in her purse. "Oh no!" She whined, immediately dumping everything on the floor. "I'm so sorry, Mans. I'll go get paper towels." I rushed into the kitchen then came back with a roll of paper towels. "It's ruined, Ash," Mandy whispered upset, her blue eyes looking up at me from the floor. She held up the printed picture from the sonogram to show me. I paused, caught up at how adorable it was she kept a picture of our baby in her purse, to give an immediate reaction to its damage. I blinked back to reality, "It's ok we can make a copy of the one at home." I assured her as she patted it down to absorb the liquid. "Whoa, whose picture is that? Is it yours?" Her brother asked from across the room and everyone was looking our way. "Yes, it's mine." Mandy said grinning up at me, "Well, ours." And now everyone in the room knew about our little secret.

Calum (his pov)

We stood in Rachel's old bedroom unpacking a few things for our stay. I looked over at Rachel with worried eyes, immediately recognizing the paleness in her face. Her morning sickness kicked in yesterday and it was practically a miracle she didn't get sick on the plane ride here. Then she raised her hand to her mouth, dropping her shirt back into the suitcase and sprinted to her bathroom. I remained where I was, obeying her wishes of keeping out even though it was killing me not to comfort her. "Rachel, are you alright in there?" Her dad poked his head through the door. "Yeah, she's alright. No need to worry." I assured him but he didn't believe she was alright. Then Rachel came out of the bathroom, "I'm fine dad, really. I think I'm just going to lie down and get some rest. I'm exhausted from the flight." Her dad and I both nodded and left the room to chat with the rest of her family while she slept. An hour or so later after her little sisters asked me the millionth question about what's wrong with Rachel, I couldn't take it anymore. "She's pregnant!" I bursted out before they could ask their next question. Their eyes widened and they excitedly ran upstairs to her room. "What's happening?" Rachel mumbled half asleep as they jumped on her bed and hugged her. "Sorry I couldn't help it. They were wondering why you were acting strangely." She nodded, feeling the motion of her little step sisters jumping on her bed. "Stop jumping, you guys are going to make me sick again!"

Luke (her pov)

I woke up with Luke sitting next to me with the TV on low volume, watching a football game. "Hey, sleepy head." He said when he saw me wake, focusing his blue eyes away from the screen onto me. "When did you get home?" I asked groggily. I noticed he had wrapped a blanket around me. I pulled it up, covering my shoulders. "A couple hours after you. You must've worked hard today." Luke said, reminding me what I had decided earlier. "Yeah about work," I started then sat up," I think I should quit," I said bluntly and he nodded for me to continue.  I had is complete and undivided attention now. "I mean don't get me wrong I love my job but people are starting to notice that I'm sick and tired all the time. And I also feel as though the baby needs his or her mother in their life, especially in a family with a parent who has to travels a lot." He ran a hand through his dirty blonde locks, thinking it over and I hoped I didn't offend him in any way. I just think having two parents who are in and out in their life isn't very stable for a child. "I'm completely fine with whatever you want. I just want what's best for you and the baby  even if that means you no longer working. With you as their mom, baby Hemmo will be lucky to have you around twenty-four-seven." I nestled my head into his side and placed my hand on his chest saying a small 'thank you'. Then he squeezed me tightly saying, "Now I'll get to see more of my Sam!" 

Michael (his POV)

"Hold on a second, I think picking up two heartbeats," the nursed said moving the wand around Charlotte's stomach. Two heartbeats? 'That means hers and the baby's', I kept telling myself till, "Congratulations, Mrs. and Mr. Clifford- you're expecting twins!" My stomach dropped hearing the nurse confirm what I hoped she wasn't going to say. I looked over at Charlotte and she was looking at me with the biggest grin on her face. "Oh my gosh, Mike! I can't believe it..." She said glancing back at the screen. The screen with two babies on it. "Wow.." Was all I could manage to get out. "Are you ok Mike? You look like you're going to pass out?" Charlotte chuckled. Come to think of it, I felt like I was going to pass out. Of all the things I thought I would hear today, 'you're expecting twins' wasn't one of them. "Don't worry, Mrs. Clifford. That isn't an uncommon look for fathers who've just been told they're going to have twins to have." The nurse laughed turning off the machine then said, "I'll be right back with some pictures then you'll be all set to go." Charlotte began wiping the blue gel off her stomach as I was still processing the news. "We're having twins!" Charlotte excitedly said pulling her shirt down then sitting up on the examination table. "We're having twins," I repeated. Saying it out loud, hearing the words come out of my mouth was only for my benefit as it helped me to process it. I was just getting used to one, but two?

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