Week 9

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Ashton (Her POV)

I walked out of the bathroom after emptying my stomach yet again. My vision became a little blurred by the tears forming at the brim of my eyes. I rounded the corner to the kitchen, gently wiping my eyes, not seeing Ashton sitting at the island. "Hey Mans, is everything ok?" He asked me gently. "Yeah, the pregnancy just gets the best of me sometimes," I softly laughed to myself then started to feel more tears coming. He immediately stood up and I was in his arms in a matter of seconds. "Sweetheart," He lifted me up the bridal style in one swift motion and sat us on the couch as I wept in his chest. "I know it's hard but I promise it'll be worth it. You're doing such a good job," Ashton soothed. I took a deep breath, feeling safe in his warm embrace and strong arms. "Thanks, Ash, I know it will be," he brushed the hair out of my eyes, "I'm just sick of being sick and I'm exhausted all the time. Also, the fact that I'm crying right now..." I stuttered off, fiddling with the strings on his sweatshirt. "It's okay to feel those things; you're growing a human being," He lightly chuckled then said, "I'm here to help, you know. I'm here for you, sweetheart, okay?"

Calum (Her POV)

I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I brushed my hair, getting ready for the day. I heard Calum groan from the bedroom as he woke up, getting out of bed. He then opened the bathroom door, "Good Morning babe," wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck. My skin tensed at his touch, "stop, Cal," I said but he continued, moving to my jawline. I felt myself get silently annoyed. "Calum, please stop," I pushed him away. "I'm not in the mood." He backed away, confused. "What's wrong? What did I do?" Calums' face dropped, hurt by rejection. "Nothing, I just don't want to be touched right now." He nodded, "ok, sorry," then turned around and walked out. After taking some time to cool down, I went to the kitchen to find him eating cereal. "Hey," I said softly and he looked up, "Hey Rache, I'm sorry, I should've stopped the first time you told me to. I'm learning just as much as you." I sat down next to him, putting my hand on his upper thigh and touching his legs with mine. "No, I'm sorry. It's me, not you. I don't have any control over my hormones and moods." I leaned in to kiss him, "Trust me, I defiantly still want you."

Luke (Her POV)

"Luke should be back any minute," I explained to Liz and Andy on Facetime. Luke and I were continents away from Liz and Andy, in LA for Luke's magazine photoshoot. I continued to chat with them, till I heard keys turn in the door. "One second, I think Luke just came in," I said then called his name. "Hey baby," Luke said as he walked through the room. "Hey," I said back but before I could tell him I was on Facetime with his parents, he sat down on the couch kissing my cheek then looked down at my stomach, giving it a rub, "and my other baby," he softly chuckled at his own joke. "My other baby?" Liz spoke through my laptop. Luke's head snapped up at her voice and he found my laptop open on the coffee table with both his parents on the screen. "Oh, hi mum and dad," he nervously laughed. "Didn't see you there." Liz shook her head, "What's going on? Is Sam pregnant?" Luke turned to me laughing, "whoops," he shrugged then turned to the screen, "yes mum." Luke grinned from ear to ear as his mum jumped in excitement and his dad tried to calm her down. I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched them, "You're getting another grandchild."

Michael (Her POV)

I laid in bed trying to fall asleep, but couldn't with the sound effects of Michael's video game going off in the next room over. Anger and annoyance rose inside of me as I kicked the sheets off and went to his office. I stormed into the room, "Michael, you're pregnant wife is trying to sleep. How hard is it to turn the sound down," I said, raising my voice as I grabbed the remote and turned the sound down for him. He was frozen as he looked at me in bewilderment by my sudden outburst. "So inconsiderate," I threw the remote back to him as I left. I laid back in my bed looking up at the ceiling, not knowing who had just taken over me. To him, it must have seemed like I snapped at him out of nowhere. A little later when Michael joined me in bed, I sat up, "I'm really sorry I snapped at you like that, I know you can't read my mind. Don't take my moods- " He cut me off saying, "You don't have to apologize, Char. It's pretty late I should've figured you were trying sleep." He kissed my cheek then pulled me close, and I felt lucky to be with someone so understanding that he justified my crazy mood swings. He softly chuckled, "Besides, it was kind of funny when you threw the remote at me."

**All the chapters from this point forward on have not been re-written/edited. Currently working on chapter 10. Also check out my new One Direction series- i update every week(:**

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