Weeks 1-3

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(In case there's any confusion, they aren't all pregnant at the same time- Mandy was first, then Charlotte, and Rachel and Sam were around the same time)

Ashton (Her POV)

Ashton and I were on the couch watching The Notebook on tv because it was the only thing on right now at 1am. Ash and I like to spend long nights cuddling up against each other, watching tv and chatting. We believe conversation is deeper at night then it is daytime. It was towards the end of the movie and I started bawling my eyes out. "Mandy are you ok? You never cry at movies." He looked my way, confused about my tears. "It's just so nice they die together so neither one of them has to live without the other. I hope we go at the same time, Ash." Then I started crying more thinking about how I'd be all alone in misery if he was to die before me. Not knowing what to do, he started patting my back saying," I know, I know baby me too." Why was I crying? He was right, movies never make me cry and this wasn't even my first time watching this movie. Then it hit me. "Oh my gosh!!" I screamed running upstairs to our bathroom. Since I'm a nurse, I knew what all the signs were and as we kept trying, I decided to wait for them. I've just gotten frustrated and tired of seeing negative tests results again and again. But I was certain that being unusually emotional was a sign. As I dug through the cabinet for a test, the voice of a very confused Ashton was in the background, "Mandy! Are you alright? What the hells happening?" But I just ignored him badly wanting to know if the stress of getting pregnant was over or not. I found my last box and immediately I started peeing on a stick that was to let me know if my life was forever changed. After I was done I let frazzled Ashton in the bathroom explained what was happening. "Now we wait... " Ashton said used to this process. He put his arm around my shoulders and we sat on the side of the bathtub, waiting. I looked at my watch and the three minutes that felt like three million were up. Scared I was wrong and that this was going to be just like the last ten times, "I'm too afraid to look," I told Ash and he squeezed me tighter. "Don't worry I got you no matter what. We'll look together." I nodded 'ok' then we counted, "1...2...3" He flipped it over and I wasn't wrong. The words I've been desperately waiting to see, appeared- "1 week pregnant." Then we started cheering so loudly we probably woke up our neighbors. We were finally becoming Irwin- party of three!

Calum (Her POV)

It's been maybe a month or two since Calum and I agreed to stop trying not to get pregnant. Meaning we went off birth control with the thought process that if it was meant to be it would happen and if not then it wasn't meant to be now. But this morning after Calum left for the studio, I sprinted for the bathroom yet again. Four days in a row. This can't be right. I could just be sick. It could be something I ate. I can't be what I think it is. I'm overthinking it. Calum wanted me to meet him for lunch before his management meeting but I don't think I can walk into the diner with a smile on my face when everything isn't fine. With a face that wasn't in denial. I knew all the signs. I watched what happened to my stepmother during the first months. But can't it take six months to a year to get pregnant? It can't happen this fast. It just can't... I went to Cal's and I's bathroom to end this internal debate for once and for all. I have to know. I called Mandy as I waited for the results because she's gone through this and also understands my dilema as I tell her everything. "Oh Rachel, you need to breathe. No matter what it says, everything will be alright." I paused not being able to think rationally, not believing everything would be at the moment. "It's been more than three minutes. You need to see the results so you know." Mandy said over the phone and I didn't realize I was stalling. I looked at it in the sink with the phone still to my ear and froze, scared as hell. After a few minutes, I heard Mandy, "What does it say?" It took me a moment to find my words, "Three weeks." I didn't know what was scarier, the fact that I've been pregnant for three weeks without knowing or that I was actually pregnant. "I can't do this. I'm going to be a terrible mother." I whispered starting to crumble in a puddle on the cold, tiled floor. "Everyone thinks that, Rache. I know I did but when I first held my baby, I don't know it's like everything else including my fears became irrelevant and this person that both Ash and I created was the only thing that mattered. I'd literally jump in front of a bullet for my child." I tried to listen to what she was saying, I really did but it was hard when I felt like I was falling apart. "I know this might be hard for you to understand because you're months away from holding your baby but just try to picture it. But what you really need right now is Calum." She's right. I'll finally admit it- I need Calum.

Luke (His POV)

I woke up in a empty bed and before my brain could finish my first question, I heard gags coming from the bathroom. If this wasn't becoming a daily occurrence, I would be in complete surprise to find my wife on the floor, head in the toilet throwing up. I quickly went to her side, put her hair in a ponytail, then rubbed her back in circular motions; just like I had yesterday and the day before that and so on. I stood there, jammed into this tiny hotel bathroom quietly saying, 'its okay' and 'I got you' repeatedly. When her stomach seemed to have settled, Sam groaned, "I hate this. I wish it would pass soon." She stood up and took a step towards the sink to brush her teeth. I finally said what I should've said when this started so we wouldn't still be here, jammed into the hotel bathroom with her feeling miserable, "Sam, this has been going on for almost a week. Shouldn't you call a doctor to make sure it's not anything serious?" She shook her head then rinsed her mouth, "Luke it's fine. It's probably just a bug. I've gotten sick on tour with you before." Now I shook my head. "But it's not the same, babe. That only lasted for maybe a day or two- this has been going on for a week." I looked at her in the mirror as I spoke, "Anyway, I should get ready for the show. But you should really do something to help yourself, I hate seeing you like this." I looked at her one last time before I left then a light bulb went off in her head. "I'm going to run to the store to get something that might help. See you after the show." Before I could say anything she kissed me goodbye, leaving me standing there still clueless. It wasn't till a couple hours after the show, I knew the answer to her medical mystery. I walked into our room, I found Sam was under the covers wearing a huge grin. I came into bed with her and we began talking about things that had happened on stage. "Did you see when Ashton's drumstick-""I'm not sick!" She blurted out, cutting me off again like with the magazine. She added, "Well I might be for the next nine months but I hear it's only for the first trimester." Nine months were the keywords because I didn't know much about pregnancy but that was going to soon change. "No way," I said thrilled, totally forgetting what I was saying before. "I'm pregnant!" Sam confirmed, grinning bigger than when I walked in. "I can't believe this. I'm going to be a dad!" Now I was grinning bigger than I probably ever had.

Michael (His POV)

When we arrived home from dinner at Lukes, Charlotte made a beeline to the kitchen, getting ice cream out of the freezer. "Make it two bowls." I said from behind her, sitting on a bar stool on the other side of the island. "Sure." She muttered, grabbing another bowl then popped the lid off the cookie-dough ice cream- another food item other than M&M's she's been eating like crazy. "Look, maybe I've been a little hard on you and maybe a baby wouldn't be that bad." She looked up at me, "Michael," She cringed and that's when I knew for sure. "I'm pregnant." Hearing those two words, even though I had already guessed them days ago, still sounded unreal coming out of her mouth. "I know and you don't have to say anything. I'm not mad at you." Her shoulders dropped and she looked incredibly relieved. "You're not?" I shook my head, "No, I could never be mad at you. I'm mostly mad at me. Mad at me for being so harsh on you everytime time you brought up starting a family. I was thinking it over and I can't think of a reason not to have this baby with you." Charlotte's pale blue eyes were looking directly into mine and I felt terrible. "I feel terrible that you didn't want to tell me the minute you found out. I feel terrible you've been keeping this to yourself and have been nervous to be around me. I'm so sorry, Char." I saw a sparkle in her eye and thought she was back but then she started scoping the ice cream. "I should've gotten that being a father isn't for everyone and didn't need to-" I interrupted her, "You didn't do anything. It was all me. You may be right and maybe i was that guy who was never made to be a father. Before we got serious, I could never picture myself with children but now i can and its because of you." I got up and made my way over to Charlotte, putting my hand over the hand she was using to scoop ice cream, making her stop then pulled her in, wrapping my arms around her lower back. My face just an inch away from hers. "I didn't realize it before but you make all my fears melt away- even being a father. As long as i have you in the picture, Char anything is possible." For a minute the world stopped with her in my arms. Then Charlotte leaned back saying, "Wait, how did you know?" I chuckled, playfully teasing her, "How did I know, Miss chocolate and ice cream in the middle of the month. You don't give me enough credit for paying attention to you after all these years."

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