Week 15

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Ashton (his pov)

Last night, I constantly woke up coughing, followed by blowing my nose. So I wouldn't wake Mandy up as well, I went downstairs to sleep on the couch. In the morning, I woke up hearing her soft footstep coming down the stairs, "Ashton, honey, are you alright?" Mandy asked, still wearing her pajamas with her hair uncombed. "Yeah, I'm just feeling a little sick," I responded then erupted into a coughing fit. She stood over me and put her hand on my head. "You don't seem to have a fever. Can I get you anything? Some medicine?" She asked, her maternal care-taker side already kicking in. "Some medicine would be great and more tissues." She nodded, "Ok I'll be right back." A couple of minutes later she returned with a bottle of medicine and a new box of tissues. "Thank you, Mans." She poured the medicine into the tiny plastic cup then handed it to me and I chucked it down, cringing. Even though I'm an adult, medicine still tastes gross to me. "Is there anything else I can do?" She asked again. I shook my head, "No, I think I can take it from here but maybe you should go change then call the girls to get lunch or go buy some more maternity clothes. I don't want to get you and the baby sick." I half-smiled, my gaze leading to her small bump. She lingered and seemed uncertain at first the nodded, "Ok, feel better soon, Ash. We don't like being away from you for too long," Mandy said giving my hand a gentle squeeze with a small smile before walking away.

Calum (her pov)

I eagerly unwrapped the wrapping from a chocolate bar and took a bite. I closed my eyes as the chocolate melted into my mouth. I'd never say this out loud to Calum, but this was better than sex. I couldn't get enough of chocolate these days. And it didn't just have to be by itself in bar form- it could be on anything or chocolate favored. Calum walked into the room and shaking his head as he softly chuckled, "Rache, what did you have for breakfast?" He asked even though he was the one who I made make it for me. "Chocolate covered in bacon," I responded with a mouth full. "After that?" I swallowed, "Some M&Ms," He grinned nodding towards what I was eating now, "And what are you eating now? I think I see a pattern," Before taking another bite I said, "A chocolate bar," I looked up at him and started to laugh. "I guess you could say I'm craving chocolate lately," I shrugged earning a laugh from him as well. "I read somewhere if you're craving sweet foods like chocolate you're having a girl." I raised my eyebrows, "Did you now?" My heart melted imagining him looking up and reading about pregnancy to stay up to date with what's going on with me, well inside of me.  "But last week I was craving pickles. Aren't salty foods a sign its a boy?" I said and he nodded, "Yeah, but you've been enjoying a lot more of chocolate." I finished my chocolate bar and thought about the chocolate I had only just eaten so far today. "I think we're having girl, Rache."

Luke (her pov)

Today I was doing some much-needed pampering with Liz. We sat side by side in salon chairs as she got her hair cut and I got my roots touched up. "You've got very nice shiny, glossy hair," the hairstylist smiled at me through the mirror. "Thank you, one of the few perks of pregnancy, I guess," I said then laughed, "including the baby part of course." Then Liz leaned towards me, "you know, shiny hair is a sign it's a boy." The hairstylists continued sectioning my hair and adding the dye with a brush. I would've shaken my head but I didn't want to mess the hairstylist up. "No, I didn't know that... but I do kind of have a feeling it's a boy so that would make sense." I said then thought back to my meltdown in the bathroom weeks ago, "Though Luke thinks its a girl because I've been getting a few blemishes here and there." Liz shrugged then winked as she sided with me over her son, "a mother's intuition is usually right." I still wasn't used to being referred to as a mother this was all so surreal. "I wouldn't mind having a mini Luke around the house," I grinned at the thought of it then added truthfully, "But I'd be happy either way." "Even though I would've liked to have had a girl, being a boy-mom was or still is pretty great. They're so sweet at a young age and you're the queen of the house." Under the black polyester styling, my hands rested on my small bump as I grew more excited about this baby with Liz's words, boy or girl. My eyes began to tear up after she said, "But if it works out, you do get a daughter in the end."

Michael (his pov)

I walked into the kitchen and found Charlotte standing against the island, staring off into space. "Hey Char, you good?" I asked walking near her. "Have you seen my keys?" I suggested the most obvious place they could be, "Are they in your purse?" She shook her head, "No, that's the first place I looked."  Charlotte continued to scan the kitchen, looking for them as she thought about where she put them. "So pregnancy brain is a real symptom." I laughed and she moaned, "It's so frustrating," she buried her faces in her hands. She then moved her hands down to her cheeks, propping her head up with her elbows on the marble counter.  "I can't tell you how many times I've walked into a room or a store and completely forgotten why I walked in in the first place." I couldn't help but smile as Charlotte cutely looked up at me with her big blue eyes, seeming helpless. "It's alright, Char, I can try and remember things for you. It may also be helpful to make lists." I rubbed her back as she sighed. Suddenly she snapped up straight, "Oh, I remember where I put them," She walked over to the area by the front door where we hung our jackets. "I hung them on the hook with my hoodie so I wouldn't forget my hoodie since I'm always cold." I chuckled at how she forgot about both then remembered, "Doesn't it mean you're having a boy if you're colder than usual?" She nodded, "But its twins though,"  "Then maybe its two boys?" She laughed, "Two Michael Cliffords might nearly kill me."

**All the chapters from this point forward on have not been re-written/edited. Currently working on the next chapter. Also check out my new One Direction series- i update every week(:**

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