Week 22

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Ashton (his POV)
I just got home from hanging out late with the boys. I expected Mandy to be in bed by now but instead I saw a light coming from the kitchen. "Really Harls, that's daddy's Vegemite. We can't keep eating it. You really are his daughter arent ya?" She said to our unborn baby. I leaned against the frame of the kitchen entrance and listened. "I hope your a bit like him. He's great man. But please don't pretend everything is a drum and bang on stuff. It can be noisy and irritating sometimes." I chuckled, "its not that irritating!" She turned around and looked surprised to see me. "Ash your home!" "Yes I am. What are you still doing up?" I walked up to her wrapping my arms around her waist. "Baby was hungry" she said with her mouth full.
Calum (her POV)
I excitedly opened the door to Calum's parents house. It was the day of the baby shower. All I know is that it's female only and the theme is Noah's ark animals. I was the last one to arrive. "Thank you so much Joy for doing this!" I said greeting her with a hug. "No problem, anything for my first grand baby. Whose ready for games?!" We played some games then I opened presents. There was a knock on the door. 'Who could it be?' I thought. "It's open!" Shouted Mali. In walked Calum, Lauren, my dad, and two best friends from Canada. Calum must've just picked them up from the airport. He's so good at keeping secrets. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys came all this way!" I ran up and hugged them. I couldn't be happier. "How could we miss your baby shower?!" My friend said. "Alright us guys are going to watch a football game. Enjoy!" Calum kissed my cheek and left with my dad. The fun continued.
Luke (her POV)
"Darren?" "Hayden?" "Jack?" This has literally been our afternoons for the past week. We've been looking anywhere and everywhere for names. We groaned. Picking names is hard. "Are you sure he needs a name? Can we just call him unnamed baby?" He joked. "Are we ever going to find a name?" I said. "No, not at this rate. Lets just keep looking. We've go four more months to figure it out." He said. He was right we do have time. "Ya, I don't want to rush it and have him not have a good name. It's what he'll live by forever."
Michael (her POV)
Michael and I just got home from a big dinner that Michael had to make an appearance at. It was pretty late but we still weren't tired. We crashed on our bed just staring at the ceiling on top of the covers. I let out a big breath from being exhausted walking up all those stairs to the bedroom. "Let's do something fun right now." I suggested. "Like what?" He asked. "Name the twins and get it off our chest." "Ok let's do it!" I thought of all the names I'd heard and liked. "I'll say some names I like and you chose one out of all of them then you'll say names you like and I'll chose one from your list. Ready?" "More than ever." "Trevor, Connor, Tyler, Dylan, Axel, Dustin, Trey, Zac, Mark?" I was out of breath at the end. He took a moment to take my list in. "I like Dylan." He said smiling confidently. "Me too. Now for the other one. It's your turn." I said looking at him. "Alright, Cameron, Daniel, Ryan, Blaise, Alex, Jacob, Jackson, Tommy?" I thought of his names. "Jackson" "How about middle names?" He asked starting to think about them. "Huh..." "What about Jackson Max?" Jackson Max Clifford. "Sounds great!" "Your turn for
Dylan." "Ummmm. Dylan Ben?" He leaned over to kiss me. I think that's a yes. They started kicking like crazy. He whispered, "Dylan Ben and Jackson Max Clifford. Hell of a names."

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