Luke: Labor & Birth

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HOUR 1 (his pov)

"Whoa, are you positive? It isn't practice ones again? Its early..." I said tightening my grip on the steering wheel as i turned the car around. "Yes Luke. The contractions are fifteen to twenty minutes apart so you don't need to go 10xs above speed limit." I slowed down a bit. I didn't realize I was driving really fast. I'm so excited for the out come of this but not excited for the long painful hours it takes.

We stopped at the house to get her hospital bag. "Sam should we call your parents and tell them we can't make it?" I sweetly asked. "No because then they'll come to the hospital and I just want it to be us this time. Plus my dads actual birthday is tomorrow." She said then buried her head in my chest fighting off a contraction. On our way out her water broke. "Yep I'm positive it's real." she said shaking.
HOUR 2 (her pov)

The contractions were becoming about ten minutes apart. It was, it seemed, really happening. The pain was getting much worse. It was now a much more painful, sustained toe stubbing. Like your body being twisted and wrung out from the inside. But temporary! You just had to ride it out. It was almost fun at this point-a personal challenge. "You're going to stub your toe very, very hard every 10 minutes for the next few hours, but then you'll have a baby!" It seemed okay.

Luke and I made it to the hospital. We had to wait in the waiting room. Since I'm three weeks early my room wasn't ready so we were waiting for them to make the beds and clean in another room. There were other people in the waiting, people not in labor, and they looked at me with sad eyes. I didn't have much time to think about them, which was possibly a watershed moment in my life, in labor and in such pain that I couldn't care anymore what other people thought of me. Maybe this was the first time in my whole life I was truly unselfconscious. I buried my head further into Lukes chest. For some reason I found comfort there. He wrapped his arms around me resting his hand on the side of my swollen stomach. "Samantha Hemmings. Your room is ready. " the lady behind the desk said. It's strange hearing someone call me Samantha besides my family. She waved her hand for us to follow.
HOUR 5 (his pov)

My eyes never left Sam and my hand never let go of hers. I listened to a game on the tv in the background. She tried to rest inbetween contractions but would be woken up sqeezing my hand by the sharp pains. Since shes progressing so fast she cant have an epidural- not like she was planning on it anyway. She softly muffled her shouts into her pillow. I've never seen her in this much pain and I hate having to sit here experiencing it front row. "You got this baby. The pain that your feeling now cant compare to the joy thats coming." I said leaning in to kiss the side of her head.
HOUR 12 (her pov)

I sat in a warm bath, resting my cheek on my folded arms. I felt so much better. I did my breathing as tought in class. "Your almost there, Sam. Your doing great." Luke said as he knelt by the tub gently pouring water on my back. I felt a strong contraction building up. "Keep talking. It relaxes me." It took him a second to think of what to say but as soon as he heard my whimper he spat out, "You know we still haven't named the baby. Don't worry about what Calum, Michael, or Ashton say- were not naming the baby after them. I also don't want the baby to have the same name as someone I knew. I'll think of that person every time we call him for dinner." He rambled. I smiled a little for the first time in hours. Suddenly I shut my eyes as I felt a new kind of presure form in between my legs. I yelped out in pain, "Ow, Luke- hes right there! I need to get out! "
HOUR 13 (his pov)

I help Sam out of I tub and quickly wiped her down with a towel. I pressed the button for the doctor. "It hurts so much, Luke." She moaned as she got back on the bed. It broke my heart. I can't take it anymore. "I know baby. I'm not going anywhere," I lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. "You know I would take you place if I could." A doctor and a nurse walked into the room. "Alright Sam, I'm going to need you to spread your legs apart as wide as you can. " The doctor instructed as she positioned herself at the end of the bed. "Yep he's there. Now I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can while I count to ten. Whenever your ready," Sam took a deep breath and bore down to her chest. "1..2...3" I counted along as she sqeezed the hell out of my hand. "8..9..10" she let out a loud sigh. "Luke were never having anymore kids!" She yelled at me. I just nodded, smiling and said "ok" understanding she's in a lot of pain. "You can yell whatever you need to at me." After a couple more pushes and comments, the head was out. "I swear, I will cut your balls off Hemm-ow arghh!" I moved a strand of hair out of her face. "Hes almost here baby. You can do it." She cried out in pain as the shoulders came out. Then the room was filled with a loud cry. "Your baby boy is out!" The nurse cheered. I kissed Sam on the lips then got a look at my son. "Theres our life chaser." I said and the nurse took him to make sure he was healthy since hes premature. Its official- Im a dad.

(Still unnamed) Hemmings baby was born at 6:13 am on March 1

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