Week 33

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Ashton (his POV)

"Ok, we should decide how were, mostly you are going to get this thing out." I said during commercial break. She was sitting in between my legs relaxing against my chest. "Oh yeah, that's right. I actually have to deliver this thing." She joked pointing to her stomach. "Medications?" "Um I don't know. I'll see how it goes but I'd like it natural." she said. "Do you want a home birth?" I said stroking her bump. She did that a lot nowadays, I wonder if she realized. "No, then we would have to move." I chuckled, "I agree. What about a birthing center? I've heard you can walk around, get in a tub, or lay on a bed. Many freedoms the hospital doesn't offer." There was silence for a couple of minutes. "I like the sound of that and i want it to just be us." I kissed her forehead, "Just you and me, soon to be three."

Calum (his POV)
"Ready to go?" It was the Five Seconds of Summer annual dinner party. Rachel nodded as she slowly came down the stairs. "You look beautiful- as always! Here let me give you a hand." I said stretching my hand out like Prince Charming as she stepped down the last three steps. "Thank you Calum." We got in the car and I drove off. I glanced over at her. She looked uncertain about something. "Rache.... everything ok?" I innocently asked. "The people, the questions." She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hmm?" I didn't fully understand where she was coming from. "You know like, 'How do you think the fans will react? What will happen to your music career? Do you think it'll be hard raising a baby with a famous father?' Stuff like that. We have it so good right now. In our own bubble. I don't want anyone to pop it and mess it up." I tightened my grip on the steeling wheel. Sometimes I wish she wasn't this smart so that way I could keep up. "Just nod and laugh. It makes everything better, I promise. Nothing nor no one could pop our bubble, ok?" She nodded, "Ok." I pulled into a parking space. We stopped at the door, looking at each other taking a big breath. She smiled, "Lets go!"

Luke (his POV)
"Try taking short breaths like this, hee hee ha ha." The instructor said and we all tried it. Sam and I were sitting on a yoga mat facing each other. She giggled as I did it with her. Then her heehees faded as her gaze went to the corner of the room. I snapped my finger, "Hey, whats up?" Her eyes went back to me. "Sorry I was just thinking about how I need to pay attention but since I'm thinking about paying attention, i'm not paying attention." She said letting out a big breath. I just chuckled and said, "Well pay attention." Then the instructor looked over at us. "I'm sorry is there a problem?" She said."Not my first" Sam whispered. "Some people are trying to learn so can I please ask you to stop talking and pay attention." I couldn't help but snicker at how serious this lady was, earning dirty looks from people. We nodded our heads, "yes m'am" trying not to laugh and the class carried on. I looked at Sam, "Yeah Sam, some people are trying to learn."
Michael (her POV)
"Fuck it!" I heard Michael yell at his video game downstairs. I then heard the beep of the tv going off. I groaned and rolled over in bed. Bed rest sucks. I hate not being able to not do anything. It's not like I got much sleep between the constant kicking and painful body aches anyway. But I get it's creosol to take things slow at this point in the pregnancy. "Hey baby, your awake." He walked in then got under the covers to cuddle with me. "Yeah, I can't fall asleep and the remote is so far away." I said pretending to reach out for the remote on the tv stand across the room. "Mikey I think you need to stop cursing so much. Wouldn't you die a little inside if you heard the boys cursing at each other or if their first word was a bad word?" I said playing with his fingers on my bump. "Shi- sorry, ok Char I'll be more careful." He said catching himself. "You can try replacing them with words like fudge or shoot." "I will, I promise." I smiled at his understanding then I looked up at his hair. "Do you mind if I say something this?" I asked. I don't want him getting mad. Even though he is perfect there are a few changes to be made. "No, this is good. I want to be the best father I can be." He said looking me in the eyes. "Your hair. You need to keep it one color. At least for a year. I just don't want them not recognizing you and thinking your a stranger." I said gently running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, your right. I wouldn't want them crying every time they saw me just because of my hair. I won't dye it after this wears off. Is that it?" "Yep, other than those few changes your perfect."

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