Week 10

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Ashton (Her POV)

After I showered, I was getting dressed in our room as Ashton laid on the bed flipping through emails on his phone. I stood in a bra and underwear, stepping into jeans. I pulled them up but they wouldn't seem to button. I looked up at myself in the full-length mirror and saw the same tiny curve to my stomach as yesterday. I ran my hand over my stomach, standing to my side as I looked in the mirror. This wasn't my stomach bloated, I realized, it was a baby bump. "Oh my gosh," I said in disbelief and excitement. "Everything okay, Mans?" Ashton said, looking up from his phone. "Yeah, but I'm going to have to use a rubber band to button my jeans because they no longer fit," I said and turned to face him. It took him a second to understand, "No way," he said jumping off the bed. I turned back around to face the mirror and he wrapped his arms around me, placing his hands on the sides of my small bump. "Wow, that's incredible," He said as we admired it, looking at it in the mirror. "You finally got a bump to show off," I lightly chuckled then said, "It's really happening," We stood there for a moment, taking it in then Ashton smirked, "You know maybe this pregnancy isn't so bad to your body. Have you seen your boobs lately?"  

Calum (Her POV)

Calum and I said laid awake in bed with the lights still on, talking about the baby. "What do you think the baby will look like?" I asked, snuggling up against his side. "As handsome as me." He responded and I laughed, rolling my eyes. "If its a boy, of course." He added. "But it could be a girl," I countered. "Then she'll be just as beautiful as you," I lifted my head up and kissed his cheek, "Thanks Cal," As soon as my lips touched him, something inside me didn't want to stop. I sat up and began kissing his lips then I was suddenly on top of him. It began to get heated and Calum moaned, tugging at my shirt. I pulled it off and leaned my body up against him until I noticed something was different. I knew this position of our bodies close together all to well to feel that something was slightly separating us. I removed myself from him, leaning back and looked down. I heard him gasped and we looked up at each other, "You have a bump," he said the same time I said, "I have a bump," We both laughed then looked back down at it, placing our hands on it. "I can't believe it," I said in awe. "Is it safe for the baby if we continue?" I laughed and rolled my eyes at Calum again, "yes, it's perfectly fine." I said then we continued where we left off.

Luke (Her POV)

I looked at the clock and it was three in the morning. Now that I'm not throwing up everything, I'm taking everything in and I couldn't shake my McDonalds craving. "Luke," I poked his shoulder and he didn't move. "Luke," I repeated, louder than the last. "What? Are you okay?" " He mumbled half asleep. "Could you please go on a McDonalds run for me?" I asked sweetly. "Really, it's like the middle of the night?" I responded, "The baby really wants it," playing the baby card I knew he couldn't say no to. There was a beat of silence then he said, "Alright, what's your order?" he slowly sat up and got out of bed as I told him my order. "Okay, but I'm doubling everything," He said putting on a random shirt from the floor. I paused, confused because he had been on me for eating healthier. "Why would you do that?" I asked and he laughed, "How can I go out at 3 am to McDonald's for my pregnant wife and not get myself something?" He then grabbed his phone and keys and said before leaving, "This is only because I love you and the baby. But after this promise me tomorrow you'll start eating healthier," I grinned and promised him even though I didn't know if that promise could be kept.

Michael (Her POV)

I curled up on the couch and turned on the TV, killing time as I waited for Michael to come home from a management meeting. I started flipping through the channels and stopped on the animal channel. A litter of newborn kittens and puppies appeared on my screen, all cuddled up against each other as they slept. When the show skipped to bottle feeding, I completely lost it caught up in how adorable they were. "Hey Char, everything alright?" Michael said cautiously, standing behind the couch. I hadn't even noticed him come in, my eyes were glued. "Look at the tiny kittens and puppies all getting along with one another. Isn't that so nice?" I cried.  "I prefer you not watching this when you're pregnant, sweetie." Michael softly chuckled sitting down next to me then put an arm over my shoulder. I nodded "ok" with a single tear running down my cheek and he changed the channel. He placed his other hand on my stomach then paused and started running it up and down. "Char, you have a baby bump," Michael said in awe. I looked down at the small curve and ran my hand over it as he had. "I do," I grinned up at him. "Something really is growing in there." 

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