Week 30

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Ashton (his POV)

"Almost done" I whispered to myself as I hung a picture on the wall. "Perfect!" I then called Charlotte to tell her to bring Mandy home. Earlier I called her to take Mandy somewhere to surprise her with the nursery. She was always complaining about how she wouldn't have the energy to do the nursery so I thought I would just take care of it one afternoon. I heard the door open ten minutes later. "Ashton? I'm back from the mall." I ran down stairs to her. "Hey Mandy!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled, "Why are you so hyper?" I grabbed her hand and pulled her up stairs. "I have something to show you!" I said filled with excitement. "Whoa Ashton slow down. I cant run around. I'm almost out of breath." "Sorry Mans, I'm just so excited!" We got to the closed door. "Ok you ready to see the nursery?!" She nodded smiling, "open it already!" I opened the door. I painted the walls light purple and the furniture is light oak. The carpet is gray and the bedding has yellow, brown, and purple elephants with floral and striped patterns inside them on it. "Wow Ashton, thank you! I love it and I'm sure Harley will too! She's kicking like crazy." She squealed sitting down in the rocking chair. "I'm glad my girls like it."
Calum (her POV)

Calum and I got settled into bed. "Goodnight Babe" he kissed my cheek and rolled over to turn out his lamp. I just sat there with two pillows supporting my back, staring straight ahead. "Rache? Are you going turn off your lamp?" Calum said sitting up. "What's the point of turning off the light if I won't fall asleep? There's no way I'm going to fall asleep with the baby kicking my rib cage." I said still looking out. Calum sighed, "How about you turn the lamp off and I'll give Bird a bedtime story. Maybe that will calm her down." I stretched my arm out and turned off the lamp on my night stand. The room was dark except for the hint of moonlight shining through the curtains. I laid down on my left side to face Calum. He put his hand on my growing bump. "Ok Bird, you ready for your bedtime story? After I tell it you have to go to sleep. Mommy needs her rest too. So," I giggled as he talked to our unborn daughter. I can never get over how cute it is. "One sunny day I was out on the beach having a blast. It was the perfect beach day. The sky was clear, sun was hot, waves were crashing. But I wasn't the only one having a blast. As I walked over to the ice cream stand something nearly knocked me out. A frisbee." I giggled knowing what he was talking about. One of the best vacations I've ever been on. "It didn't nearly knock you out. You're being dramatic." I stated. "Oh yes it did. I still have a scare on my forehead. Back to the story, a frisbee came flying at me, hitting me in the forehead really hard. Then the most beautiful girl id ever seen came running towards me. She was wearing a dark purple bikini and the ends of her short hair were dipped red. She asked me if i was ok but couldn't resist laughing," "You should've seen your face Cal. You would've been laughing too." "I would've hoped to have the common courtesy to not laugh but you're probably right. It really did hurt though, Rache." He playfully whined. The baby calmed down and i slowly drifted off. "And the rest is history."
Luke (her POV)

I heard ruckus coming from the nursery. Luke, yes Luke had finished it by himself a couple days ago. The walls are light blue and with dark wood furniture. The theme was band instruments- what better theme?! The quilt had electric guitars, a drum set, paino key board, and music notes all over it. I walked in, "Luke why are moving the bookshelf? It looks fine were it is." Luke didn't stop moving it. When he got it were he wanted it he said, "Because i want everything to be perfect." He looking around to see if anything else needed to be moved. "Luke it is. Plus the baby wont care where the bookshelf is. Really what's going on?" I sat down in the rocking chair. I put my hands on my bump bellow my belly button. "When I'm on tour I won't be able to make things perfect, you know? So I want to now." He lifted my feet up and sat on the leg rest, putting my feet in his lap. He started rubbing my feet as he talked, "it kills me that I'm not always going to be there for you guys because of my job. What if I miss his first birthday or first word? What will happen when he's older and won't forgive me for missing something? What if-" "Luke stop with the what ifs. I dont know this stuff either. We'll just play it by year. Were going to make it work, alright?" He nodded and gave me a crooked grin. "We will make it work."
Michael (his POV)

I walked into our bedroom to find Char packing a bag (we, well, she decided that she's having the twins at the hospital- we can't risk anything)."I know I'm not perfect but I didn't know I was that bad. Shouldn't we talk before you leave me?" I joked. She just grinned, "I'm just packing my hospital bag to keep by the door just in case. They say twins come early and usually come before the 37th week mark. So I could have them next week or next month." She said with a hint of panic in her voice as she folded up a T-shirt. I ran a hand through my blue hair trying not to have a panic attack. This is all becoming too real. I grabbed one of the two onesies that we're bringing the babies home in. I began to fold it restlessly and Charlotte noticed, "You're panicking aren't you?" "Yeah, kinda." I quickly said and threw the onesies down. "Mikey we got this. I know this is all happening so fast for you but you have nothing to panic about." She came close to me. "I know it's...it's just nerve racking. I mean it's not going to be just us anymore. We're going to have to be very responsible for two human beings and we both know how I'm not very responsible..." I looked down and nervously fidgeted with my hands. "But you will be. You'll realize how much you love them and you'll want nothing to happen to them. I promise." She kissed my cheek and I calmed down. "Ok, thanks babe." I put my hands on her stomach feeling the twin wiggle around. Truth is, I already love them and don't want any harm in their way.

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